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Dam coolant system


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Went home this weekend, about a 2 hour drive at an average speed of 75mph. And the entire time my "low coolant" light was one. I pulled over twice, looked at my coolant, and added come extra just incase. Then ide keep on going, and in no time the light would come back on. So I was like that the hell. Then i also noticed a few times that when ide open the rad. cap the level of the coolent would be down some 6 inchs or so, but the resevour is full. So me and my dad and uncle (electrical and mechanical engineers) took a look. Nothing is leaking externally. So we thought mabye a new rad. cap might be the fix, mabye the old one was stuck and not lettin coolent into the rad. from the resevious when it should. So I got a new one, the flip top kind, and the light still came on no-stop the ride back to school today. (When I pulled the little flip top lever on the rad. cap it let the coolent out and make a kool pssssss sound, everyone should get this kinda cap, just for the cool sound it makes) Anyone got any ideas, could my low coolent sensor be shit?

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Umm...just a question, but I know the first thing I would do if it wasn't leaking out, but it was disappearing, is I would check the oil. There is a possibility a head or intake manifold gasket is leaking and allowing it to get into the engine.


Just a suggestion.



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Any unusual readings on the oil pressure, coolant temperature?


If there are not unusual readings except the coolant light is on then probably the coolant sensor might need to be replaced. You might just want to remove it and clean it.

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Did you add any fluid to the radiator itself? I had the same problem about 2 weeks ago, and I added some right into the radiator, and it hasn't come on since. Yeah, I check my oil too and there was no sign of leaking. So I had the case of the disappearing coolant as well....

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see, well there has not been any unusual reading on any gauges. Just the damb light commin on. So anyway, were is this sensor on my 3100 equiped 1993 Cutlass?


on my 96 GP the coolant got low enough for the light to come on. I filled it up but the light would not go out. The sensor was on the passanger side of the radiator about 1/3 of the way down from the top, when I pulled it it had some white greasy stuff on it just stuff that was supposed to be there but when the coolant got low it got on the sensor and it could not get a reading . I could have cleaned it off and put it back but I replaced it anyways and after that I filled it up and it was fine. After that I kept an eye on my coolant level every week it would go down some but It wouldnt let it get low enough for the sensor to come on. several months later I figured out I needed an Intake gasket . I could smell the coolant but never left a puddle whe the car would get nice and warm the coolant would leak on to the intake and evaporate. To make a long story short check your sensor

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