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really loud noise again when parralell parking


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OK..we were going to my favorite restraunt down near school today killing some time. Well, i go to park...and the car makes this GOD awful noise when im doing it....like the one i mentioned befopre a week or so ago. This has progressivly gotten worse though...i have never hard it happen when paralell parking.


I know its not the wheel well insert. I looked under there ( I got out when i heard it...really didnt see anything wrong there). While I dont feel anything (well, i take that back...you feel SOMETHING in the wheel), but its not really pressure. Its more of just some grinding. But...it was loud enough for somepeople to look...and my GF ask what it was ( she was in there with me).


You cant feel this on the brake or anything, so i dont think its the caliper that someone mentioned last week, and it also feels like something up front.


any ideas?

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Probably the exhaust pipe that is connected to the exhaust manifold. They are connected together with a two bolts with spring. I have that problem on my car only when parking. It makes a loud noise. You can replace the spring. What I did on mine was just coat the exhaust bolt/spring with a high temp grease and the loud squeaking noise is gone.

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on the rear, or on the front.


If on the rear...how do i get to it?


Was it making the noise, only when really turning and backing up?


Was it just a sqeek? Caus this isnt that high pitched...and more of a grinding...but with a smoother surface (think of two heave metal objects rubbing under a lot of pressure



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It started with a loud squeaking noise and gradually turned to a loud grinding noise during parking or backing off the driveway. It is located at the rear of the engine and usually can be reached from the top.


If that does not solve your problem then it might be something else.

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does it do it while backing in general or just paralelle parking? Mine makes a nice LOUD squeeling noise. when it makes the noise, do you hit the brakes? when you do does the tone sharply increase then stop as you apply brake pressure???


on mine, it is a slight vibration in the front right caliper. I have tried different combinations of pads and also tried some brake stop squeek and nothing has helped it. I just accept it now. Nothing in my brake assy. is loose. Everything is tight.


might be one of those things that you cant really do anything about.


when you said you feel a grinding/vibration through the wheel, is it a really rough vibration or fast light vibration???


- Justin

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i was on the breaks...i was parking. It seems to do it with more steering, not with more brake pressure.


Also...what i feel in the wheel is VERY light. I mean REALLY light...but you can tell its along with that noise. Its also completly random. For example, today, I backed into my spot much sharper than usuall...and it was quiet.


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look under the wheel well. On the large plate type of structure that sits about 1 inch above the tire that the strut runs through. When my strut bearing went it caused that ear to turn and would rub on the inside of the wheel well.

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look under the wheel well. On the large plate type of structure that sits about 1 inch above the tire that the strut runs through. When my strut bearing went it caused that ear to turn and would rub on the inside of the wheel well.


I had that problem too, it was rubbing the iside if my tire and scraping the rubber right off it. I could smell burning rubber and hear a loud noise I also felt it a little. Turns out the little dust gaurd thing bent when I was putting my front right strut assembly back on after a repair.

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Mine used to sound like a steamliner whenever I was backing up. Cheap brake pads were the reason. They would wear in the foward direction and in reverse it would rub against the caliper too tightly. Good Bendix pads solved the problem.

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yeah...i need new brakes and rotors really bad. When i brake, the rear end of the car shakes more then a 500lb black girl trying to dance.


I think im going to use my crappy IRS return for brakestoo...since I dont have to pay for labor to get em done...i can get a nice set of pads/rotors. Im still not sure if thats the problem.


Id really record it...but its so random!



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