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Since i didn't want tot steal someone elses post witht this question i thought i'd make a new topic


Ok well i found thwe vacum line running to my cruise control...i noticed it splits basically...you have the line coming from the engine...then a line that goes insdie the car, a line that goes to the cruise control thingy, and a line that goes somewhere else


I need to know where that last line went...because when i found it, it was shattered


Where it spilt into the 3 lines the connector was broken into about 3 pieces...luckily i found another way of running it...it's now getting a vacum to all the lines but the last one which i removed...I assume it goes to the airbox but i'm not sure...if it does is it necessary? I mean would i have to leave it uncapped or something since i have no airbox


Well, there should be a sticker on the body of the car, in front of the engine. A Vehicle emissions sticker. It has the vaccuum line diagram on it.

Well, there should be a sticker on the body of the car, in front of the engine. A Vehicle emissions sticker. It has the vaccuum line diagram on it.


thanks...shows how observant i am :wink:


Make sure to look at the vac line for the evap cannister up under the cruise control servo and whatnot...you can probably see it better by laying under the front of the car on the drivers side.


well i got the heater controls working...all i got to do now is test out the cruise


one of the broken lines was down under the cruise control servo...so i think i may have got the one your talking about


I'll make sure to check the diagram tomorroww just to make sure it's perfectly ran...but as of now i hear not the slighest hiss...i didn't before but that's because the line that was broke off was clogged...before it got to the cruise control etc.


EDIT: Crusie control is a a go!...Woohoo


ok one last question....what purpose does the ball under the battery have...because when i fixed my vacum lines i capped the broken end that went to it off so it was airtight


I think that is just to keep the vacuum recirculating, and at a steady amount.


the canister is in the rear by the gas tank, thats the vacume ball

the canister is in the rear by the gas tank, thats the vacume ball


I knew that... :oops: , I have no clue why in the hell I put charcoal cannister though :shock:


The ball is a vacuum reservior. It's used as a supplment vacuum source

when the motor isn't producing enough. Like under hard acceleration. :)



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