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What should be the max age limit to gettin a license


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Ok I dont know if its just me or what but I think there needs to be an age limit on how old you are when gettin a license or there needs to be more restrictions on old people gettin a license. The reason I bring this up is because the other night an old guy ran a stop sign and I smoked him and it totaled both of our cars. I already have a real bad driving record because of speeding tickets so the cops are tryin to say that its my fault for hittin him when he clearly ran the stop sign. The guy is 82 yrs old and he got transported the the hospital the night after I hit him and now as far as I know hes in intesive care.

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sorry to hear about the wreck


hmm...well when you get older see how you react when someone takes your license away cause you're too old


that aside...tests...drivers neeed to take some sort of test every so often...yes it's a pain in the ass...but it would get a lot of stupid people off the road young or old


if the test says you're uncapable of driving then boom...no license for you...it'd get rid of a lot of the old people and a lot of the stupid kids who push the limit...i'm a kid in most peoples eyes still but oh well...the idea of the philosphy above is that if it's harder to keep a license more people will try to drive better


just one opinion...on the other hand i have no idea what to do

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I think once your over 70 bye bye license. I got my door ripped off by some old hag a year ago and right away she started blaming me for her hitting me. Some old law about getting out on the passenger side fucked me over but still she had plenty of room to avoid me and she didnt. On top of that she didnt even know she hit me I had to run down the block to stop her because she was so arrogant. I hate old people! :twisted: :evil:

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In Kansas, we don't have to renew our license but every 6 years. You would think that for older folks a lot could happen in that time fram. In less than one, my grandfather went from a happy, alert, capable man, able to drive at the age of 76 to a man who suffers from dementia, and now, three years later is having Alzheimer's begin to set in. All of this was started by the untimely loss of my grandmother. He had a stroke 6 mos after she passed away. Then he had cancer four months after that and suffered from a dimentia causing infection due to the surgery. Fortunatly, he has my parents to care for him. However, in this day and age, with the melt-down of the family, many older folks will not have the family supervision to prevent them from driving when they have become "impared"


Due to this, I would think that it would be imperative that people of all ages be required to pass some sort of mental reasoning and physical responsiveness exam at regular intervals and after certain medical events. I don't know how well that will fly, but if it is a good idea, we had better hurry up before the baby boomers get too gray or white as it may be. As a voting block, they would be a great impediment to such legislation.


You might be able to pass some manditory euthanasia laws to whittle the numbers down a little. I think there would be greater support for pro-euthanasia laws from the older generations than for the mandatory exams. Seriously, though, with the AARP continually lowering their age requirements, I don't think you will see it happen so long as they have lobbists in DC.



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