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Rear Main Oil Seal

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Just wondering if there is a link or help in doing the job,have many people done it?

Guest TurboSedan

i have done it. it would be pretty much impossible to do if the engine were in the car. i would do the job with the engine hanging off of a cherry picker because you can't get at it when the engine is on a stand. obviously you'll need to remove the transmission and the flexplate/flywheel. after you get that stuff out of the way it is very easy. carefully pry the old seal out with small flathead screwdriver. thouroughly clean the seal area with Brakleen. lube the outer lip with motor oil and lightly tap the seal into the block evenly with a block of wood and a mallet/hammer. the hard part is getting everything out of the way just so you can get at the rear main seal. it is a 1-piece seal so you won't need to replace the oil pan gasket. if you do the oil pan gasket you will need to do the front timing cover gasket, and if you do that you might as well do the front crank seal in the timing cover while you're at it.



Just make sure it's not your dist. O-ring, lots of people think their rear main is leaking when it's really something higher.


Yeah I checked that firsrt,pretty dry around there so it must be something else.

Just make sure it's not your dist. O-ring, lots of people think their rear main is leaking when it's really something higher.



did a trans service yesterday and saw oil that looked like the rear main


thanks i forgot about the pesky drive seal up top!


where is that dist seal, i am really not sure, i was told mine was leaking but not sure where it is :oops:


Its not really a dist seal. it's where the dist would go if we had one. it's the oil pump drive located straight down and inboard from the front of the throtle body. It's about 2" round wth a y shaped clamp holding it in.





thanks i know exactly where it is now, just went and looked and oh ya it needs to be replaced, i now know where my oil is going lol

i tried to loosen the bolt, 10mm and its on so tight it split the socket, ever happen to anyone else?, i guess i have to go to sears and have them replace it, damn lifetime guarantee , they (craftsman)need it lol :lol:


Get a 6 point socket made for an impat wrench for what ever drive your using. I thought it was 13 mm but it's ben a long time. Little penatrating oil wouldn't hurt either, after all it's been in there 230k miles. Your going to pay plenty to have sears do it. :(




They should without question. Get a 6 point, there a little stronger.




craftsman sucks!


the only reason i buy craftsman is because they're cheap, they have a lifetime warranty, and there's a sears at every street corner almost!


their power tools are even worse...

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