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ok, my friend has a '95 Olds Cutlass Supreme (its a real nice "Grandma's Car" as he calls it) but the engine blew up on him over the weekend and he is either gonna have to get a new engine or new car. and we're both looking for engines for the car.

we have a friend who would do the swap for cheap ($300) but we gotta get an engine first. like if we found a wrecked Cutlass or other W-Body's (Grand Prix's or Monte's....)... k, say GP engines... would they fit right into the engine bay no problem or..? would any "major" work have to be done (major !=just teh engine swap), major as in whatever? :x :?


yeah.. me and him arent too engine savvy and dont know how that crap works, but he needs an engine soon :lol: :(


If your friend is doing the swap for 300 bucks, chances are he's planning on putting the 3100 engine back in there.. so buy another 3100. You can swap a 3800 in there and it'll fit perfect, but I bet your buddy won't be too happy with only 300 bucks.


L67 bolts in but the wiring can be a bitch. goto a 3400, same harness and bout 15 horses/20 feet torque more.




We dont have no stinkin small blocks around here, thats a 454 .030 (468) with a 6-71 blower, and i think a 200 shot, 1000 HP at the wheels runs it 8.8 1/4 mile. fully built subframe for it 2 sit on and a custom transaxle.




the actual swap would be $300.. which yeah its cheap, but we know the guy doing it.. and he's done good work for us before (been my personal mechanic for like 2 years, and my parent's for like 5 years).

we're looking around for 3100 and 3400 engines (cause i dont think his tranny could hold a 3800 L36 or L67 engine from a GT or GTP). from GP SE's and other Olds,etc.


but whatever :oops:


Since your only down in Dayton, I know a few places up around my way that has 3100/3400's cheaper than $300. One is called Pollings Auto Yard(i think). Its on 25A inbetween Piqua and Troy. One of my beretta buddies was thinking about getting a 3400 from that yard. They was only asking $250 for it.


slickprix... thanks for that info. me and my buddy will look into it. thanks for evyerything soo far. :)

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