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Is there a target on my car or what?


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Argh! 6 months ago I got run off the road in my old car (non-W) by a Winnebago (who didn't stop). In 6 years, I had never bent metal, ever. I learned my lesson on that one though- don't bother trying to avoid an accident that's someone else's fault. If you lose it and hit a tree, that one is YOUR fault.


Anyway, on my way to work this morning, while slowing in the far left lane at a toll plaza, a dipshit in a Blazer decides he likes my lane better, and turns right into me. I was pinched; nowhere to go, guardrail to my left, him to my right, and no room to stop.


I guess I'm lucky- he managed to clip me right where there would be minimal damage. Missed my bumper, and my front tire/suspension, and just crumpled up my right front fender. And of course, he doesn't have a policy number on his insurence, which is through a substandard company, and there was no damage to his truck. Asshole.


The state trooper gave him a ticket, and I guess we'll see tomarrow when I call his insurence company, but I'm not holding my breath. I guesstimate it to be $500-$700 in damage. Really pisses me off too.


Oh well, at least the car is drivable, but now it really looks like a ghetto Regal, what with my snow tires on steel wheels, and now the torn up fender... sigh.


Just had to rant...

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don't bother trying to avoid an accident that's someone else's fault. If you lose it and hit a tree, that one is YOUR fault.


I honestly wish I had read this a few days ago.. a car pulled out in front of me (blind side road) and I swerved hardcore.. ended up smoking the curb on the opposite side of the road and almost got smacked by a truck in the other lane. Something is messed up in the front end of my car now, from the curb I assume, and it comes out of my pocket. I WISH I could go back and smoke the car that pulled out. It would have been a perfect square hit dead center of my car.. Pretty sure the bags would have blown and I'd be on my way to a different vehicle.. now I've got one thats all busted up and it comes out of MY pocket. :evil:

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Well, it turns out the guy does have insurance. I've got a claim number, and they're sending paperwork over for me to fill out. I'm not looking forward to this though. My mother just got done dealing with a substandard insurence company (their client ran a stop sign and t-boned her, doing about $4000 worth of damage to her car) they refused to pay more than 60% of the damage, and would only pay $15/hr for labor. AND made her cover all the costs herself, then hemmed an hawed for another month before cutting her a check.


Pics are up here:



I think I did luck out though, it looks like he missed EVERY expensive part to fix up there; headlight, bumper and suspension all look ok (I'm still going to have the alignment checked though, his tire scuffed mine, can never be too safe, especially if I can get the guy's insurence to pay for at least part of it!)



of course, with the location, now I get mud and shit that would have been contained inside the fender spraying all over the place. Damn!



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hehe, I remember when you posted that one. What did you end up doing about it? It's going to be at least a couple of weeks to get this one fixed (I could put a new fender on in an afternoon, but the insurance process will take a bit longer :-(.


At least maybe while it's in the body shop I can get them to take a look at a few other places that need touching up.

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