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Alt. Pos Battery Terminal on my cutlass (PLEASE HELP ME)


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My 89 Cutlass Supreme has an alternative pos. terminal/post on it.......my question is......is the post before or after the voltage regulator? My understanding would be if its after it would be a consistent 12 volts.......and with me using this for my stereo I would like to get the most I possibly could..........please if anyone knows i would be much appreciative.

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The post is AFTER the Regulator. The Regulator is INSIDE the CS130 alternator.


Also, why would you expect to see only 12 volts at the post???


When the engine is running, the Regulator tries to maintain a voltage that is around 14.5-15.0 volts.

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Voltage is not what you should be concerned. It is the Amps that matters.

If you have a huge devices that sucks up large amount of amps then that would be a big problem with your battery and alternator.


Getting a larger amp alternator should help you with your situation and larger battery with huge reserve capacity will help.

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Thanks........and yea slade.......Im having a 250 amp/170 amp at idle built for this car as we speak...........And I plan to upgrade some wires under the hood to 4 gauge or larger more then likely i will use 0 gauge.........these wires are ones Battery negative to chassis, Alternator to battery positive, Chassis to engine and this should help maintain a better overall current with the electical system........And when you say a cs130.......does this mean that my car has a 130 amp alternator?

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