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Front suspension problems


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Anyone ever have any front suspension problems. Mine hase been acting up for a while now. Under normal driving it makes a clunking sound like something is loose (metal against metal it sounds like). My friends Grand Am makes the same sound. The ride is not uncomfortable, but makes so many anoying clanking sounds. I might take it too a shop this thursday, just wunderin if anyone knows what it could be= what the cause of this clanking sound in the front end could be.

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my first guess would be ball joints. as i had them go out on both of my last 2 cars. not to bad when driving on smooth ground but going in and out of lots and over poor roads it was noisy and annoying.


just my non professional guess.



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Guest TurboSedan

when you raise the front wheels, check for excessive play by grabing the tire at 3 & 9 o'clock and shaking it, then grab the tire at 12 & 6 and do the same. my front right wheel has MAJOR play and the suspension makes a knocking sound over even the smallest bumps. i've been assuming it's the wheel bearing/hub but i'm not sure. let us know what you find out. good luck


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Well, I am home, and jacked up the front end to see if there was play in the wheels (with the hand positions that you suggested) and there was no play, no rattling, felt pretty solid with this test. Any ideas?

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Guest TurboSedan
Thanks guys, i will be going home this comming weekend, and will check then. Just wundering but, did u end up fixing yours Josh, how much would it cost to fix, and what-not.


i still haven't fixed it, i'm hoping to get the entire front-end on the car redone soon.


i'm really not sure what yours could be. i have actually looked behind the wheel where the hub bolts to the strut/knuckle while my brother shook the wheel. the play is obviously coming from the bearing area in my case (it's BAD).


i think Shawn said once that if you shake the wheel at 3 & 9 o'clock that meant bad tie-rod ends, and if you shook it at 12 & 6 o'clock it meant bad lower ball joint (or vice versa....i'll try to find the thread).


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ok i also had this problem on a cutlass i worked onj for a friend......... it is the inner tie rods...... if one side goes the tire will move slightly and bang up against the steering rack producing a clunk sound....... check your tie rods.

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My struts and strut mounts are the originals, ill probobly get them replaces during spring break, and have the tie rods checked during that time too (in 3 weeks). Think its safe enough to drive around until then?

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Its an easy fix........if after you grab the wheel at 9 and 3 and twist if there is play then its your tie rod end (outer) they cost about $16-$25 each.


Then witht he wheel jacked up place a breaker bar or pry bar under the ball joint and the steerig knucle and apply an upward pressure then donward. By doing this you can see if there is play in the ball joint ($25-$35 each). If it moves excessively..they need to be changed out. Also check the condition of the control arm bushings.


This may be a good time to replace those too, I recommend getting some aftyer market replacement bushing like energy suspension. You will never have that problem again.

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