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Updated my GP site


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Did a tad of updating to my GP site(link in sig). I added pictures of all cars and decided not to make a TGP page out of it afterall. I also added a mod list page(in the links section at the bottom of the page). I probably want do a whole lot more to it besides changing some colors, adding various pictures, and adding a page of modification pictures or the like later. Anyways, check it out if you're interested.

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Nice looking site.

Wow, I thought I had it bad with 2 Luminas, you got 3 GPs!!!


I'd have more if I had the money..hell, I'd actually have a few of each W' car as I like a lot of things about all of them. :wink: My dad officially gave me the TGP a few days ago, it's still at my parents house though until I build something to house it in. I've got a few beaters in the yard at the moment as well. :shock:

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