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Turning left causes fear...


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OK, when I make a left turn my car makes a groaning noise its not to loud but noticeable, now when im on the highway and the road curves left my car feels like its going out of control it wobbles a little and feels like its going to run me off the road, but making a right turn everything is fine, anyone got a clue on what could be causing this to happen.

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Better check it, you could have a safety issue.


1. Inspect wheel and tire for tire problems.

2. Make sure lugnuts are tight, torque to 95ft-lbs.

3. Jack up the front end and with your hands at 9:00 and 3:00 positions, try to shake the wheel back and forth. Any play there will mean a bad inner or outer tierod (you'll have to visually inspect while doing that to determine inner or outer).

4. With hands at 12:00 and 6:00 position, try to shake the wheel up and down. Any play indicates a bad balljoint.


There are other possibilities, but these are the main safety related ones I'd check ASAP.


Good luck!

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do you possibly have any fat/overweight chicks riding in the passenger seat? if so, it might cause all the weight to be shifted to the right side of the car when turning left, leaving no weight on the left side of the car, so the tires are just barely skippin along not gettin any traction and bumpin around, that would be my first guess


EDIT check the tires for bite marks, they could be mistaken for double chocolate donuts to an extremely hungry/hostile overweight woman

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do you possibly have any fat/overweight chicks riding in the passenger seat? if so, it might cause all the weight to be shifted to the right side of the car when turning left, leaving no weight on the left side of the car, so the tires are just barely skippin along not gettin any traction and bumpin around, that would be my first guess


EDIT check the tires for bite marks, they could be mistaken for double chocolate donuts to an extremely hungry/hostile overweight woman


*sniff* *sniff* hmm... *sniff* Does anyone else smell something... baking?

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well i did number 1,3, and 4 of what GnatGoSplat said to do no play in the wheels but i do have a really balled tire on the left rear so ill go get that changed see if it helps, ill check those lugnuts as well.

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