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well it was my first day out with my 89 cutlass and after school i dropped my girlfriend off and pulled out the driveway and the spring on the front left strut busted off and flew into the tire. i was so embarrassed! :oops: i had to get it towed home. i was just wondering if anyone has had that happen to them before, and i need to find out how to fix it. any help?


Yes, I've had that happen when I was trying to replace the strut. I took the strut out, and with no strut holding everything in place, the spring tension moved the knuckle assembly. In a fit of mindless stupidity, I thought I could realign the knuckle if I just turned the steering wheel just a little bit. Well, that made the spring pop out sideways and wedge itself tightly in the wheel well.


I had to borrow 2 sets of spring compressors. 2 sets, because one set to compress the spring as far as it would go, another set to compress the spring even further. This was the only way I could compress that foot and a half long spring to fit a space about 8" tall. It probably would have been easier to pull the knuckle, but I didn't have the tool that removes tierod and ball joint without damaging them.


The safer way is probably to pull the knuckle.

Safest way is to have it towed to a shop and have them fix it.


I always told you Shawn DO NOT MESS WITH THE DAMN SPRINGS, they will blow your head off :P

Unless you get the newer style springs which when they pop they only break your neck.


you forgot already? I told you, they dont extend much and when you compress them there is no fear that extremities will jump out if you dont compress the middle coils enough


I had almost the same thing happen I was changing struts on a Caravan and the strut moved the spring came off and almost hit me



Ending in a bad knee now


The lower spring support rusted and broke loose on a 78 Honda Accord. The spring then expanded and sliced the tire 2/3 around the rim. The next problem I had was compressing the spring to install on the new strut. It took 2 sets of spring compressors. The first to compress the inner coils just so I could get the 2nd on the outer coils. That car was one POS!!!

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