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It finally happened...


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I think the tranny on my 1997 Z is done... but I'm not totally sure, so I'm asking you guys what you think might be wrong.


I was accelerating up an onramp to enter the highway, my tach was reading ~6Krpms... all of a sudden my car began to violently shake. I let my foot off the gas pedal and everything went back to normal. I ended up driving for another hour down the interstate with it, going around 75mph in OD. The tach was normal and there wasn't any slippage, but I still think I might have screwed something up when I was revving high.


I'm only assuming that this is the tranmission b/c it occasionally makes a bang/clang sound when shifting from 2-3. It's a 4T65e and the car is sitting at ~42K miles.


Is there anything else that would make the car shake when revving really high? DOHC guys, HELP!


:cry: :( :cry:

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This is great news guys, thanks. :o A coil or engine work, although expensive, is much cheaper than having to replace the tranny.


I've never beaten on the car. Occasionally I open up when I'm entering the interstate (like I did today). Even still, those situations are few and far between.


Before the problem today, I could hear a jingling sound whenever the car was revving high. It was almost like the sound you would hear when the timing chain is going. This sound would get a bit louder when the engine is at 4K-6K.


The car has trouble starting. It's done this since day one. This leads me to think it might have a bad coil. I know that the injectors were replaced along with the PCM to try and fix the no start problem. Nothing was ever done about the coil packs though.


Thanks for the suggestions so far. If anyone else has advice, please feel free to chime in.



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