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Pre-formed tint


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Kind of a branch off of the other tinting post... anyone used, heard anything about, the computer cut, pre formed/pre shrunk window tints? I've seen a few websites online selling them for a decent price.. the only thing is that their sites looked like they were created by a two yearold, so I kinda question the product. Just wondering if anyone has heard good/bad/anything about this method..

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No they've got them for tons of models... 2 door, 4 door, rear windows... everything. I thought it sounded like a great item.. I HATE working all the bubbles and shit out of tint when I do it.. I still have yet to do a perfect rear window. This stuff would be a blessing.




That is supposed to be pre-cut and pre-shrunk.. but the site looks like ass, so I wonder how good the product is.


They don't have much in the line of sedans, but I always see auctions on ebay for them, that include the sedans.

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I bought some for my truck. I haven't tried installing it yet.

Tint looks like hell to work with. I only paid $15+ship (probably grand total around $21) for mine off Ebay so if it doesn't work out, no huge deal.


They claim it's Solargard metallized, so it should be quality stuff. I just don't know how good of a tinter I'll be. Looks like there's very little room for error when applying tint... and I always make mistakes, that's how I am!


It's been too cold to work on it, but I'll give it a shot when it gets warmer. I somehow feel like I will be overwhelmed. :lol:

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i'm sure its muchy easier taan working with a big piece of square tint. Just amke sure to wet it down really well with soapy water and do the same ot the window and start on a spot that is the hardest to get to then work your way out to the middle with the roller or bondo scraper (same but softer plastic) and you can have a decent tint job. thats one thing i leave to the pros tho, might as well pay someone $200 to do it right rather than ahve a shitty job. JMO Later jay

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Nothing for 2 door Luminas though. I wouldn't attempt to tint myself anyways, too much room for error.


Most of it is a breeze.. take your time and have patience.. The thing is, I don't have patience. I hate laying it all on there and trying to cut it all to fit.. then, because of the fact (most) windows have an ever-so-slight curve in them, it'll never seem to sit right.. I can do the side windows 'fairly' easily, but the rear window I won't attempt anymore. I tried in my Lumina and failed several times. Seeing as how this stuff is pre-shrunk, I figure it'll be a super easy application.. I know there will be some bubbles to work out, as there always will be, but I won't have to deal with the annoying curve of the windows, causing those long streaking bubbles to keep popping up.

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