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How much is it worth!


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Just out of curiosity i was wondering what all of you think i can get out of my 90 grand prix 4 door that i've put the front and rear from a two door and custom fiberglass work and custom paint. i was wonderin how much you think i could get if i was to try and sell it.

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All they will look at is the year, milage, and condition of the car and they wont even care if the front is from a 2 door or 4 door, it will only matter to a w-body fan which there arent a lot out there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well now we'll be finding out how much the insurance company thinks it is worth because the other night i was on my way to work and some old guy ran a stop sign and i T-boned him so my car is pretty much totaled now

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Ask if you can just get paid in candy bars....it might be easier to take a box home with you instead of all those penny rolls they are sure to toss your way.


damn...that's cold :lol:


sorry to hear about the car :(

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Ask if you can just get paid in candy bars....it might be easier to take a box home with you instead of all those penny rolls they are sure to toss your way.


GODDAMNIT, I love you man.

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