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Anybody had this oil leak???

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Well after taking my car back to the tranny shop cause the pan was leaking, I asked the tech thier if he could help me find where my engine was leaking from too. Aparently he had heard of that problem before on this motor and knew exactly where to look. What he said was leaking (and he was right about the leak) is a plug on the upper side of the motor right by where the tranny bolts up (underneath the crossover pipe) he said the plug was where GM origionally had placed the distributor (didnt know these motors ever had one) and he said it was fairly common and only got worse and worse. SOOOO i was wondering if any of you had had this problem and if so if you had any tips/tricks/advise on fixig the problem.



Guest Anonymous



I'm sorry but I can't believe you've never read about that leak. Everyone has or had that leak. It's been posted about probably 50 times.


Again, nothing against you by laughing about it.


really? :oops: I ohnestly in all my time here have never heard of it!!!


oh well ill go do a search then :D


You scared me for a second, i thought we had another leak to worry about. My oring leaking is enough for me.

Guest Anonymous
a $4 part and probaby about $200-300 labor.


Maybe on a 3.4. Fixing it on a 3.1 or 3100 is simple and takes about an hour.

a $4 part and probaby about $200-300 labor.


I wish it was that cheap, mine would be fixed by now. I have been quoted at over a grand in just labor for the LQ1.


well ill be fixing it soon as by the instructions on this site. shouldnt be to hard or take too long.


$1.70 oring, that required the rear head to be taken off, and just about everything else up top too

$1.70 oring, that required the rear head to be taken off, and just about everything else up top too


Fun for the 3.4s! :) Easy for the 3100(for some), all I had to do is remove the throttle body and undo the a coolant bypass for the heater and I think something connected to the thermostat housing. I gave up on it because the friggin thing wouldn't come out of there. Haynes manual says to push it out from the bottom of the engine, yeah right, I didn't feel like removing the oil pan for a small oil leak.


ok this is how you do it.... like it was mentioned ....... twist to get it out. and the clamp that holds it in is a disributor hold down.... go to parts store and get th o-ring for the plug then get a tube of rtv and buy a distibutor base gasket for a 2.8 gen 1 motor....... a thin coat of rtv on it and set it in place.. put the plug in with the new o-ring and put the hold down back on. BYE-BYE oil leak



I'm sorry but I can't believe you've never read about that leak. Everyone has or had that leak. It's been posted about probably 50 times.


Again, nothing against you by laughing about it.


I never have, and if i do in the next 3 years i don't pay for it. I like my warranty :D

ok this is how you do it.... like it was mentioned ....... twist to get it out. and the clamp that holds it in is a disributor hold down.... go to parts store and get th o-ring for the plug then get a tube of rtv and buy a distibutor base gasket for a 2.8 gen 1 motor....... a thin coat of rtv on it and set it in place.. put the plug in with the new o-ring and put the hold down back on. BYE-BYE oil leak


aaah if only it were that easy...


you actually have to take off the air intake hose, the thrtottle body, 2 fuel lines, and move other various shit out of the way. id say the hardest part about that would be getting the hold down back on to the cap, thats what took me the longest


well this is my sad sad story...



I removed the TB, coolant lines, airbox, and all that shit then proceded to remove the coolant hose running from the water outlet to the firewall (heater core i think) unfortunately i failed to notice in the cramped quarters that this was held in place by a quick-disconnect mechanism, so instead i started unscrewing the hose from the water outlet. after unscreing the bastard i noticed that the whole tube was being held exactly in place by a bracket which the only way to remove (with my tools) is to remove the x-over pip as well :evil: which i di not want to do - i then noticed the quick diconnect on the end of the hose and feeling like an idiot started screwing the thing back in, unfortunately it now began to cross thread so i stopped and removed it again. Now it is held in that position by a stubborn bracket and is immovable :cry: Very frustrated i decided to tow it to the mechanic (it was god damn cold and i was freezing) so my bro's g/f towed me with her ranger. So now i get to drive my bro's '00 regal until my car is fixed (hopfully tomarrow). Oh! and btw i ripped one of my newer spark plug wires while trying to remove it so i got to buy a whole new set again :evil:


Anyway hopefullty by tommarrow i will have a fully functional car with no leaks and better throttle responce (did a thourough TB cleaning) for my B-day (20 yrs old :twisted: ) but tonight im pissed as hell at my defeat in the frezing cold wind.


Wow, that sucks man. Got a pic of what you started unscrewing?


I've had to fix this leak in all 4 W-bodies.

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