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Lost 2nd gear


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ive got the 3 spd auto tranny

and i just noticed today that i lost 2nd gear

how bad is that, and how can it be fixed?

it just shifts from 1st to 3rd

and when i manually put it in 2nd, it just revs till bout 4500 then it will catch a little bit


also, when i did the makeshift scan tool w/ a paper clip, it can me a shit load of codes, i think 15 was the one and 26 was another

not sure

but when i got a pen and paper and re did it all it gave me was code 12

so im not sure what that means


help please!


This is from AllData regarding your transmission:


Shifts 1-3, Misses Second


1) Intermediate servo:

- Wrong or sticking apply pin.

- Seals cut, damaged or missing.

2) Accumulator exhaust valve sticking or not seating.

3) Control valve assembly 1-2 shift valve sticking.

4) Spacer plate:

- Gaskets incorrectly installed,

- Governor feed to 1-2 shift valve blocked.

- Intermediate band apply feed orifice blocked.

- Wrong spacer plate.

5) Intermediate servo apply passage blocked.

6) Intermediate band improperly installed, burned or broken.


Of course this is assuming that your fluid and filter are both in good condition...


its very common in the 3t40(th125c)


my 91 apv has had no second gear for 60k miles now(its got 270 on it)


nothing can really be done without pulling the trans and going thru it, at which point a full rebuild may as well be done


oh fuck.... :cry:

i just had a 850$ flywheel job!

so what should i check first,

being as it may be the last thing i check on this vehicle

just might but a honda and kill myself....


what i've found typically with the th125c's is that they like to burn up clutch packs... i lost reverse one time bc of it. its sometimes caused by manually shifting it or holding it in 1st then putting it straight into drive bc it fgoes into second for a half second then grabs third.


and how much is a clutch pack and is it hard to replace

i dont want to spend a fortune....

i need to pay my car insurance too


son of a motherless goat,

fuck this, ima drive 1-3 till it dies

i tired of dumping money into a lost cause

i need a 2nd job just to pay for the repairs.... :roll:


You can have my 3-spd when I swap it out. It doesn't have tc lockup and leaks somewhere but shift good through all gears.. It'll have to wait till the 3100 Turbo and 5-spd go in the other car, cause its whole drivetrain will be going in the beater. If no one wants it I'm giving it to the j/y with the old 3.1L ($25 core for 3100)

Sorry about your luck I hate auto trannys, too much money for too many problems!!


hmm... thats not a bad idea

although u are in canada...

i doubt i would be able to take a trip up there to pick up a tranny

ill bet i could find one at a j/y around here for cheap

it would be a great learning experiance for me too




it wont shift out of first


and i just changed the oil and put on a k&n oil filter!!!!


i think ima find a tranny out of a junked lumio and swap it in


ill need some help too, so guys... anty up!


i like 3 speed autos


around town, they shift less, so you have power quicker, and on the freeway you can actually pass people sooner, without waiting for the trans to drop down two gears and then the engine to rev up, which by then, its at like 5500 rpm and my 3.1 has lost all its power. a 3 speed only has to downshift one gear, a 4 speed 2.


gas mileage isn't as good but then, my gas mileage is crap anyway (around 18 mpg)


fuck the first autos were 2 speeds. that must have been great


i hate all these 4 and new 5 speed auto trannies. i don't want to wait for the trans to shift, i want it to fuckin stay in gear and go!

fuck the first autos were 2 speeds. that must have been great


they suck, my belair has one. they shifted at 12mph no matter how fast or slow you went and wouldnt kick down if you tried to put your foot thru the floor


if you are that worried about extensive shifts then drive in D all the time. And my car shifts right from 4th to 2nd if I give it enough gas. If your car takes that long to shift gears then I am not at all surprised that you need a new tranny the fluid must've been cooked. Mine shifts in like half a second.


fliud level is fine

im guessing 2nd and 3rd gear bands are burned up or borken.

my dad said i should search the local junkyard and see if i can fine one

now where to do the swap....

if i find a 4 spd, what new items will i need

im figuring a new computer, new axles.... anything else?



they suck, my belair has one. they shifted at 12mph no matter how fast or slow you went and wouldnt kick down if you tried to put your foot thru the floor


my pop seems to have much fonder memories of the powergilde in his brother's '60 impala 2 door (283, 2 speed powergide)


it would squeal, rev out through 1st, then shift to second and take off again

they suck, my belair has one. they shifted at 12mph no matter how fast or slow you went and wouldnt kick down if you tried to put your foot thru the floor


What year Belair you have mines a 65'. You can get like 70mph out of a powerglide (2-spd) and it'll kick down right to that speed.


i also have a 3T40/125c


there is 2 ways to get it payshipping for it untested or i can rebuild it for ya and you pay for that with $20 hr and pay shipping


if you want it pm or e-mail and we can work some thing out


i stand corrected

i did not lose 3rd gear

i drove my car around the block today, adn it shifted normal from 1st to 3rd gear

im guessing something was sticking in the trans that nite not letting it shift

ne who, tomorrow im going to find a trans a t a local junkyard, adn see if i can throw that in

shouldnt be too hard

i think a full set of metric sockets, and a pair of pliars would be good enuf, right?

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