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I need help. my 94 euro w/ the 3.1 is having i hope not a major problem. i drove him all day today, he ran normal. i was home for maybe an hour at the most, started it up and tried to go to the store. there was about half of the power, and the engine was sputtering a little. does anyone know what this could be. the problems i know of is the CAT or the 02 sensor needs to be replaced, and the a/c compressor needs to be replaced. thanks in advance

I need help. my 94 euro w/ the 3.1 is having i hope not a major problem. i drove him all day today, he ran normal. i was home for maybe an hour at the most, started it up and tried to go to the store. there was about half of the power, and the engine was sputtering a little. does anyone know what this could be. the problems i know of is the CAT or the 02 sensor needs to be replaced, and the a/c compressor needs to be replaced. thanks in advance


yeah, but who was on top? :D



oh man, sorry, i couldnt resist!!!

I need help. my 94 euro w/ the 3.1 is having i hope not a major problem. i drove him all day today, he ran normal. i was home for maybe an hour at the most, started it up and tried to go to the store. there was about half of the power, and the engine was sputtering a little. does anyone know what this could be. the problems i know of is the CAT or the 02 sensor needs to be replaced, and the a/c compressor needs to be replaced. thanks in advance


yeah, but who was on top? :D



oh man, sorry, i couldnt resist!!!


LMFAO!!!!! That was awesome! :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:


yeah, i almost thought about laughing. that would have been funny if i wasnt the one with a car thats stuck in the garage... :?


dont worry bro, i had my car parked since august and now i fixed it myself.


Before you spend ANY $$, do visual inspections. drive the car and check the cat after driving it. Hit it wit a broom stick and listen to any rattling. Then check underhood, look at all vacuum lines to make sure they are ok, check wiring aroudn the engine bay to see if any thing might be shorting out, check the air filter, plug wires for any splits in them, spark plugs to see if one or more is out of commision.


After that, start off simple with a basic tuneup. Change the oil, spark plugs, spark plug wires, pcv valve, airfilter, clean the throttleplate with some intake cleaner. For spark plug wires, i suggest and hihgly recommend stock AC Delco's...go to http://www.rockauto.com then go to your car under the year and make/model thing and find ELECTRICAL and spark wires and you'll see the AC delco spark plug wires for WAY WAY cheaper than auto zone or oreilly's want for them....hope this helps some


yeah first time I heard a dude refer to his car as a he it's ok I know you're pissed so we'll let it go this time :o


So it suddenly lost power. I doubt its an O2 or Cat then. I would check for spark. Could be the ICM or one coil


yeah i was getting a tuneup with new plugs and wires in the spring. its going into the shop on friday. I guess that tuneup will be sooner than spring. thanks for all your info, except the critism on me calling my car a "he" how bout calling it a "she"? that would sound better, at least im not calling my car an it.


all of the hoses and lines were replaced last year, and a new K&N filter went in late August 03. damn car needed everything when i bought. stupid ass old guy. oil was changed 1000 miles ago. it might be the fuel filter. too


Well today I got the car back.

Replaced the


-02 sensor

-cleaned throttle body

all in all it was $600. but i did get a little of that lost hp back. maybe now ill pass emissions!!

Well today I got the car back.

Replaced the


-02 sensor

-cleaned throttle body

all in all it was $600. but i did get a little of that lost hp back. maybe now ill pass emissions!!


WTF??? Jesus christ, you can retime my engine wit that $$!!! :shock: :shock:


Dang, seems a little TOO steep for what they did. For the Cat, I would say around $90 for a hi-flo kind, 02 sensor, the MOST around $40 for a Delco and the Cleaned throttle body, around $8 from Autozone!


unless you took it to the dealership, i hope they took you out to dinner 1st~!


Seriously man...U could have done the o2 sensor and the throttle body cleaning urself...no offense but i think they got you pretty good. I wouldnt go back to them anytime soon. :(


actually it was not 600 my dad made a guess. it was around 560. thats the place ive taken my car since i got it, actually since we lived in the house(14 years) weve been taking all of our cars there. my dad knows the owner and mechanic. i knew i could have done pretty much everything by myself, but i didnt know the problem.


oh yeah, but you guys are also the ones who made fun of me by me calling my car a "he". so i have to believe you....


heres what they did

-Clean IAC and throttle body

-R&R 02 sensor

-4 gas emission analyzation

-R&R converter

-diagnose IM 240 failure

-new converter

-new sensor


they also fixed my car so it would pass emissions also. in case you didnt see that thread, i failed it miserably :oops:


Yeah, but what I think everyone is trying to say is that you could have saved a lot of money by doing it yourself, I mean if you were having emission problems you could automatically narrow it down to things like an 02 sensor cat and a basic tuneup.SO why not do a few first before shelling out cash to a garage.


yeah, normally in the spring/summer/fall times i do everything myself. Its just that its cold as hell here, and my garage isnt the best place to do things in the winter. once the nice weather comes, i do pretty much everything myself.


i feel your pain man. With so many thigns going for me, Time = Money and viseversa. I shelled out an approximate $1400 from August 2003 to Feb. 2004 to 2 different mechanics to retime my engine and get the car running right. In the end, neither did jackshit so i had to do it myself.


Is the 02 sensor as hard to get to on the 3.1 like the 3.4? I would charge major labor myself! :twisted:


yeah me too man. in a little over a year, ive spent a little over 2500 in repairs on my car. the old man who traded it in did it with just about everything needed to be replaced sooner or later. but hey, now i can start modding!! :D

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