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Hurst Lightning Rods in a W-Body Cutlass!


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hey tj look at the 2nd link blugp posted n tell me if the pics look the same has the ones brian p have :wink:

Haha you're right. Some of the pics are different, but its looks like the same car.


Holy shit that sounds like fun. Maybe not as much fun as a standard manual, but talk about something unique and rare! I want one real bad 8)

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gosh damn that is so awesome, I knew it existed, I knew I've seen it on the internet before, I want that hood on mine so bad, I've told so many people about that white 94 I saw before and all said the same, phuck you you dumbass you don't know what you are talkin' about. I really want that car, red one is for sale but I don't have 16k. funny that red one's owner says #1 of 1 built, don't think so dude but yes very very rare. has anybody ever seen one of these in the flesh I doubt I will every have the priviledge to. What can I say but OMG!!!!

ps I really want that phucken hood on my 96, so tight.


Viva la cutty!

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Both of the "Hurst" convertibles are customized by the same person.


It's certainly different and interesting, but I personally don't see the benefit. It seems like a complicated way to achieve a simple result.

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i was really close a few months ago picking up an 87 442. Looked just like that, minus the hood scoops.


It was only 1500. Sold in a day. Well, 2 weeks later, its at another grocery store lot for sale, diff number, for 1700....and had a stronger coolant smell than my CS did when it leaked a month or so ago.


Good thing i didnt get it. Looked sweet as hell, but had quite a few miles on it.


Also...look arround for the FE3-X. That looks cool as hell too. GF saw it last night and said "Baby...that looks cooler than the GN somewhat!"



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don't know why you would want lightening sticks on a '94 cutlass, but whatever....


...now this car is hot.....



Perfect, the only thing i dont really like is all the gold trim, besides that, its a perfect car.

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You know the w-body convertibles would be cooler if they were factory original. But it looks to me like whoever did it just grabbed a bunch of badges from other Hurst cars and previous Cutlass models to make the "Special Edition Hurst Package". Don't get me wrong he did a marvelous job on them, but the fact remains that those cars are pretty much exactly the same as our with the exception of the Lightning Rods, some embroidery, stickers, and hood scoops off of a GP. Nicely done though, it looks totally professional.

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Don't get me wrong he did a marvelous job on them, but the fact remains that those cars are pretty much exactly the same as our with the exception of the Lightning Rods, some embroidery, stickers, and hood scoops off of a GP.


Those hood scoops were available on GP's? If they were, I've never seen them.

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fiber optic lamp monitoring package

Now that is SWEET!

What did that consist of? Fiber optic cables run from the lamps to someplace in the cab? That had to be an expensive option at the time.

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The scoops didn't come out till around 2001 or something like that.

Yeah, these CS's are a fairly recent customization. There was a guy with the last name Valenti who was on the mailing list a few years ago and told all about it.

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Wow I would rather have a Grand Nat over that any day of the week, I bet the Buick was faster and cheaper, and alot better looking IMHO


That gold is foul and I dont personaly care for the 1982 knight rider look, "Kit" my most hated of hated 3rd gen f-bodies :roll:

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ive known about the Hurst Cutlass convertible for a while. there was a post on it a while ago. i love the looks and the setup. good luck finding Lightning shifters though. they havent made those for a while.

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