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vibration in gear?????

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I have a 1990 Lumina 3.1, 4t60 When I am in gear and at idle there is a vibration (its not a miss) I can put it in neutral and it will go away same with park but if I brake torque it ever so slightly the vibration will go away It is like the idle is to low but the car sets its own idle. wtf?


I used the search button and a topic came up with little help but an idea could this be a timing chain?


also I have put on new OEM dog bone motor mounts and they are such a tight fit that I wonder if they could be a contributor? I could grind the center metal slide sides down to make them fit better maybe it will help the idle vibration


The tight fit won't let the mounts move and function I think maybe?


Dude, the vibration is not a problem. Since you have new dogbones, that is cause. Just give them time to break in the bushings and you wont even notice it, although you shouldnt be worried with it


maybe I would like to worry about it! I want to know what it is and sorry but it seems we are not getting along very well. sorry, I don't know what I am doing wrong.


One thing you'll learn on this forum: nothing that seems insulting is meant personally. You'll glean a lot of interesting (not to mention important) information here if you'll ignore how a post sounds, and just take what's important from it.


Now fuck off. :)

One thing you'll learn on this forum: nothing that seems insulting is meant personally. You'll glean a lot of interesting (not to mention important) information here if you'll ignore how a post sounds, and just take what's important from it.


Now fuck off. :)


Yeah, I just tell people how it is

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