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Oldsmobile Dealers Ready to Bury Brand

"It's time to get on with the burial," said Gary Wight, who has sold Oldsmobiles, the oldest automotive brand name in U.S. history, for 30 years. "It's sad and it's done and it's not going to change. Oldsmobile is a wonderful memory, but there's nothing in the windshield. It's all in the rearview mirror."


It looks like Olds is being abandoned semi-officially. Interesting article. Sad, though.

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I don't have much for Oldsmobiles, but it's sad to see them go. I think they should have just intro'd some newer, sportier cars. Not just kill off the brand...


They did.. but by then, I think it was too late.. Look what they had.. their entire model line didn't change a whole lot from 1988-1997/98.. Brought out the Aurora in '95, which wasn't TOO widely accepted. Intrigue in '98.. Alero in '99.. I think it was just too much too late. They were heading for trouble and tried to steer into the clear, but just weren't fast enough.

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so yall think we'll see some nice olds cars prices going up since they won't be made anymore? like the nice 93-97 two doors, or the later 80's hurst editions and gt's, do you guys think that might drive up the price of really nice older cutty's and olds, (especially cuttys)

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Yeah, the Riviera was such a huge success :roll: I've heard some horror stories about those.


Why would the prices go up? It's a used car. The Camaro got axed but prices for them haven't moved that much, actually I've seen them go down.

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The article said prices will DROP hardcore.. I've read that in many magazines and forums. Dealers here say the prices are gonna take quite a hit. Hell.. you can already buy an '03 Alero with 15k on the clock for less than 8grand.. pretty cheap to me.

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It would have been cool if they had just kept Olds around as an engine manufacturer by putting the Aurora 4.0 in the Bonneville GXP instead of the Northstar (which I thought was the plan anyways, although judging by the brochure I picked up at the car show yesterday the GXP is gonna get a 275hp Northstar and not the Olds 4.0). Probably could have put the Olds moniker on the 3.6VVT too since its derived from the 3.5L Shortstar.

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Probably could have put the Olds moniker on the 3.6VVT too since its derived from the 3.5L Shortstar.


Hehehehe, hohohoho. Best laugh I've had in a while.


FYI, the 3.6VVT is not really based off of anything, other then it is a 60* and not a 90* like the 3.5 is. The Olds 4.0 is just a destroked (i think) version of the Northstar so technically it is still a Caddie engine.

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Yes the northstar is going into the GXP, look at the pontiac website. I am pissed olds is gone, and now my car wont have shit for a resale value. Not that i would sell it, but i would like it to have a nice price tag i could attach to it. When(if) i win the lotto, im gonna buy all the olds that i can. Fuck Buick. I think another mistake gm is making, like someone said, introducing tomany cars into olds too late. Look what gm just did, 10 new cars in 20 monthes. Talk about too much. Probably 9 of those 10 are ugly as hell.

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I love the Alero. Took one out for a test drive 3400 has lots of pep. The interior look way better than Grand AMs.


No kidding! If I happen to come across a loaded Alero when I'm in the market, it'll be mine. I was very impressed with the braking and acceleration that thing had!

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Is there any chance it's a marketing scheme? Like, it'll be back for 2010 or something.


I've got a feeling it will. They've been pulling this stuff for awhile. For instance, the Monte Carlo.. killed that off in '88 :?: Brought it back in '95. Brought back the Malibu name. Now they've killed off the Firebird/Camaro, which I'll bet will be back. This kinda stuff just goes in a big circle.. unless its a huge disaster, I'm sure it'll be back. Oldsmobile wasn't a disaster... it'll be revived.

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I love the Alero. Took one out for a test drive 3400 has lots of pep. The interior look way better than Grand AMs.


No kidding! If I happen to come across a loaded Alero when I'm in the market, it'll be mine. I was very impressed with the braking and acceleration that thing had!


I love driving the Alero, but lets not give the brakes too much credit. IMO the Alero has just as many brake issues as our w's do. Thats the only think my wife complains about with "her" car.

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I couldn't care less. The only Oldsmobiles I give a damn about are the ones in my garage. :read:


Resale will plummet. A lot of people who aren't into cars don't know Oldsmobile = GM. Maybe 25-50yrs from now, they will be highly sought after like Studebaker, Packard, etc., but not in the immediate future.


It would have been cool if they had just kept Olds around as an engine manufacturer by putting the Aurora 4.0 in the Bonneville GXP instead of the Northstar (which I thought was the plan anyways, although judging by the brochure I picked up at the car show yesterday the GXP is gonna get a 275hp Northstar and not the Olds 4.0).


I don't see why that engine would be cool. It IS a Northstar, a smaller bore Northstar at that. Every part is same as a Northstar except the bore. What's the point of a smaller bore Northstar? Pretty useless motor IMO, they should have put real Northstars in the Aurora from the beginning.


I think Oldsmobile lost their identity when they went to the grille-less front ends. The latest Aurora front end looks like some kind of R2D2 robot.

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Yah, I agree. I dont really like olds after they changed the entire linueups name (thereby errasing all of their history to me), and the symbol change.


It woulda been cool if somehow Olds could have seperated from GM...but thats imposible to do nowadays.


Id think they would come back. I hope they do. Hell...they really have a good position now to do something cool (like, make one last 442 or something). I say this, caus everyother manuf. is going back in their past....olds has a great history they coulda used



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