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1 to 2 Shiftin problem

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ok well my car sucks from shifting from 1 to 2 it reves up to like 5k rpm before it shifts to secound and when it does it feels like i'm going over a gravel road anyone have any ideas??

$$$ -- Transmission Rebuild -- $$$


:lol: $$$$$ is right.


Yeah, if you hear or feel anything resembling grinding, thats usually an indication of a need for a rebuild, I'm sorry to say.


Dam you kidding i just got it rebuilt its not a grinding it more of a ruff shift from one to 2

does it fall out of gear when shifting from 1st to second (the rev to 5 grand?)


did you just want to state that or do you know what might be wrong with my trans????


Time for a rebuild, bro. Sorry. Same thing happened to mine when it began to go out. Either that, or make complete sure that you have the correct amount of transmission fluid in there.

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