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have you heard of this happening


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The other night i was on my way home and went to take off from a stop sign and allthe sudden i heard a loud pop and then my car started missing real bad, come to find out somehow i had blown a spark plug out. I dont think the plugs have ever been replaced the cars got about 188000 miles on it so i was gunna replace all my plugs but they wont come out so i guess i'll just wait till the rest blow out

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Yeah, actually that happened to me. Did your engine have a tick that got louder and louder as time progressed? I could hear it inside my car, then I was done delivering pizza for the night, started up my car to go home and BAM, spark plug hit the firewall.


i was gunna replace all my plugs but they wont come out so i guess i'll just wait till the rest blow out


I hope you mean that you replaced the plug that blew out, not that you're going to wait to replace it. :lol: I know mine sounded horrible when the plug blew, I've heard people driving like that. You turn your head immediately when you hear someone driving by with very loud "PUTT PUTT PUTT PUTT" coming from their engine compartment.

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lol.. same thing with my 87 6k's 2.5.. I was cruisin, then all of asudden. Smack! Hit my hood and ricoched down and to the ground.. then, PUT PUT PUT... lol.. kinda a funny sound.. :lol: :lol:

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Well, considering I had to buy a Helicoil, I'm assuming it did, unless I managed to fuck them up myself somehow. The engine was hot when the plug blew, and I got it in just enough to get home with it, and when I got home, the plug blew again, and it was cold and it was night, so I let it sit till morning.


When I rolled the engine forward and started trying to turn the plug back in, it would seem to go in, but would skip out. I fought with that damn thing for an hour before I went and got a tap. Even then, it was an hour before I had to go to work, so I said fuck it and just half-assedly tapped it. There are metal shavings in my engine, no doubt, and I have yet to change the oil. I don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon, considering the amount of snow we've just today received.


The 2.8 isn't gonna be there long. That's why I didn't care if there's metal shavings or not. As long as it runs and drives, I'm fine. Considering it's still running like a top, I don't know if I'm unhappy with the way things turned. It's not running badly at all.


I can't wait to see my oil, though. :lol:

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