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Getrag VSS ??

Guest TurboSedan

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Guest TurboSedan

i pulled the VSS sensor out of my blown '90 Getrag 282 last night, and there is a bunch of silver grease stuff all over it. it looks like anti-sieze :?: i wiped it all off since there was obviously a bunch of metal in the grease sticking to the magnet in the sensor.


the VSS in the '88 Getrag 282 in my car now reads WAY too fast so i need to swap it out soon for the '90 VSS, which always gave a spot-on speedo reading. what kind of grease (or whatever it is) should i put on the '90 VSS before i swap it into the '88 trans?


any help appreciated, thanks



I replaced my VSS and it had that grey stuff all over it. I think it was just the "normal" metal shavings that your transmission produces. I put my finger in where the VSS should be a found alot more of that stuff (it smelled like trans fluid too).


Yeah, I put in a brand new one and didn't have to do anything to it and it comes bone dry from the parts store. Mine works perfect, I haven't had any problems with it.

If theres anything on it there should only be tranny fluid (or metal shavings, but thats not good).


On a used one just clean it all off.


all transmission have small shavings the big chunks that are there when trans is going bad is what you have to worry about


small shavings are not a call for panic


the vss is magnatized to mich up the pulses off the sensor ring to input the speed so there will be small shavings (normal) or chunks if trans is about to go out


this is a good way to check at the j/y to see if there is damage to the trans before you buy it


Mine looked pretty good too, and as far as i know it was the original one. I just had some grey grease. I went ahead and replaced it anyways...i got the part for free so what the heck right?

Guest TurboSedan

the VSS i pulled out was from my blown Getrag, so i wasn't surprised at all to see metal shavings. i didn't see any chunks but that is pretty surprising considering there is a big 'ol chunk blown out in the bellhousing area. i haven't gotten the VSS out of the 282 in my car yet, but it only has 111,xxx miles so it should look alot better.



I wonder if the VSS in the TGP may be going bad. I'm not sure if it's the differences in FDR from the auto tranny, but it always reads slow. 30mph on the speedo/hud always is 35mph, 55 mph on the car is 70 mph on the road.. etc.

Could that be the VSS causing the problem? I believe the 282 in the TGP was from an 88 GP SE with 121k on the clock..

Guest TurboSedan

well i pulled the old VSS out, and it was pretty clean with hardly anything on it at all. it was really easy to swap the new VSS in, probably only took 5-10 minutes at the most. however, i still have the problem with the speedo reading way too fast. i used to cruise at 75mph in 5th gear @ 2700 RPMs with the '90 trans, but with the '88 trans the speedo says about 85mph @ 2700 RPMs in 5th. apparantly it's the exciter ring in the tranny that is different, because that is the only thing that has changed. i'm using the same memcal, wiring harness, VSS and tires/wheels that i was before....


so the only way to fix it is probably going to have to be a custom memcal cuz i'm not about to try changing the speedo exciter ring in the tranny :roll:


altho, i get paid .15 per/mile at Dominoes Pizza, so maybe this problem isn't all bad :lol:


Guest TurboSedan
I believe the 282 in the TGP was from an 88 GP SE with 121k on the clock..


mine is also from an '88 GP, but mine reads too fast! wierd.


fwiw, i noticed today while swapping my VSS that both the '88 and the '90 VSS had the same part #.


Guest TurboSedan

it seems to be *kinda* the same thing with the 5-speed. instead of a VSS with more teeth, the 5-speed seems to have an exciter ring in the tranny with a different amount of teeth in '88 vs. '90.



anyone think maybe they changed the 5th ratio?? or maybe the car you took the tranny out of had different sized tires and it made up for it in the ring......

Guest TurboSedan

it came from a rather plain lookin' '88 GP that had either 14's or 15's on it. i have 225/60-16's, so i would have thought the speedo would read too slow in my car. does anyone know if the speedo exciter ring in the tranny is different beween '88 & '90 282s, and if so does the tranny have to be completely taken apart to swap it out for the right one? thanks


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