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93 z34 stalls at low speeds

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today i was comeing back from the mall the car starts up ok idles fine. then i am pulling out going mabie going 15-20 i notice something odd, i apply the break and the ights all dim and the car stalls. it went through this routine like 5 times today, once when i was driving along about 25, i press the brake and the car stalls, i kick it into neutral and fire it back up and it runs and idles like it should, i also notice when i press on the brake all the lights dim (when the car dosen't stall), i'm thinking that my alt may be on its way out and i think that may at least be part of the problem but i'm not sure, and for the record it is a 93 z34, 3.4, 100k


Shit man...problem solved...


Stop using the brakes...

I mean...who needs them...


Brakes only? Could be vacuum based, but not with the dimming of lights. What's your voltmeter read? If the ECM dips around or below 9 volts the car will stall out since not enough electrical power reaches the fuel injectors, ICM, etc. Load test the alternator and battery and see where you end up. Sounds like the alternator is on it's last leg.


- Erik


It seems like whenever anyone has a problem with their car...what else is there to blame but the alternator? :lol:


i think the dimming is largely due to the brake system requireing more power than alot of other components. it is just more noticable with the brakes. as for the voltage gauge it stays around the line past the middle line, dosen't move much.


the voltmeter in the 93 luminas gets less and less accurate as the car warms up... at least mine does, so it's useless at running temp for 15 mins, the guage reads ~11.5 - 12.5 volts, when a voltmeter connected to the battery reads 14.


check for a vacuum leak first


i went back to my wrecked oldsmobile today, i did some research and found the alternator for the cutlass ciera 2.5 is the exact same one for the lumina 3.4, and i just put that alt in less than 7,000 miles ago. so that much makes me happy. i'm gona test a few things before i go through the trouble to replace it, i'll let you know how things turn out.

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