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Symptoms of pending ICM failure

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Does anyone know what symptoms to look for in a pending icm failure? my car seems to accelerate rather erratically, sometimes it seems fine and then it seems to stutter a bit and accelerates in a jumpy fashion it also seems to shake a bit at higher speeds, also the idle is rough and dips when the car is in drive and at a complete stop. I just had an oil change and a tranny flush to see if that helped but it didn't.


when my ICM went out, it would buckle the car and cause misfires...well at that time it didnt go out just yet, but was dying...that phase does not last long cuz when an ICM goes, it goes bye bye! Car will not run....


Best thing to do is pull the ICM and coils as a set and take them to Autozone where they test them for free


sounds like ICM to me. Take it off, and take it to NAPA. They will probably tell you that it is junk. Go to Autozone and buy a new one.


Is the ICM difficult to remove? it is -40 here today and I really don't want to get stuck in the cold


It could be just a bad coil. I've had bad coils do that.


When I had an ICM go bad, it just completely died. No warning or symptoms. Wife drove the car to work and it was fine. She even left during lunch and it was fine. When it was time to go home, the car was dead. Crank, but no start.

It could be just a bad coil. I've had bad coils do that.


When I had an ICM go bad, it just completely died. No warning or symptoms. Wife drove the car to work and it was fine. She even left during lunch and it was fine. When it was time to go home, the car was dead. Crank, but no start.


Sounds very similar to what mine did, only mine did it as I was driving down the road. Went to make a turn and suddenly, no power.


So if my car is idling rough but accelerates normally I could have just a bad coil? that would be a relief they are only about $50 CDN to change.


It could be a coil, but it also could be an injector, bad plug wire, who knows!


If it's intermittent, it's hard to tell if it's a coil or not. If the coil is completely bad, you will have 2 wet looking spark plugs on the same coil... or easier way to test would be to use an inductive timing light on each plug wire - if there's spark, it'll light. If there's not, it won't.


Okay guys I just had Canadian tire do a scope on the car and this is what they found. Apparently snow blew into my intake and got sucked into the engine, it got clogged in the upper manifold and when it melted it shorted out two of my plugs. No damage to coils, wires, or ICM just two shorted out plugs caused all my headaches. :D

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