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i think i might get a TGP


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Well...i posted some stupid topic in the whatever forum about a TGP in my friends driveway


Today I was just messing around with my dad about it and he starts asking me if it's for sale how many miles it has and other stuff...i just said i din't know...and he comes out of nowhere and says well if you can sell your car and if it's for sale i'll help you buy it....at that point all i could think is HOLY HELL :shock:


It's 90 TGP...bright red...in very very good condition...all i need to do is find out if the guy will sell it...i suppose he will since it sits in my friends driveway uncovered...but i can't guarntee it


I'm gonna talk to my friend later on and see if i can get the guys number and stuff and also upload a few pics of the car and you can tell me what you guys think :wink:


Just one thing...anything mechanical things that i should be aware of or check for that a TGP has that my GP doesn't?

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Yea, there may be a reason it's just been sitting there for so long.

Check the ABS system too. If the ABS light is on, or the 'Brake' light is on, you could be looking at some costly brake system repairs.

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yeah sorry i have so little info...but my friend has rode in it before...he said it was fast as hell...i just assume the guy ran out of space or something and leaves it there....it's only been there for a month so i have no clue

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well i went over to look at it today but my friend wasn't home...i didn't have a camera handy either...all i need now is a price...i hope the guy doesn't know it's rare


the exterior is flawless...and so is the interior...i didn't pop the hood though...i will as soon as i get ahold of my friend...considering the shape he might know its rare...but why would it be parked out in the middle of nowhere

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Grab some pics man...If it looks as good as u say it does then it has probably been well taken care of. And he doesnt have to know how rare it is...he could just be a really picky guy and want all his stuff to be clean lol. Be sure that if u get it that you find a garage for it! :wink:

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