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Car won't start

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Hello.. I tried do some searching about this but didn't hit on anything specific



I have a no start problem with my 91 Regal 3800. This only happens when it is really cold outside (its about -12C now) When I turn the key nothing happens at all no cranking. Right now it won't crank (11:30pm) but if I was to try around noon time tomorrow it should start fine as it will be a little warmer plus the sun should be out.


Anyone have any clues for what I should try?


Do you have a block heater? That might help. My old 90 Topaz wouldn't start when it was -11 or colder even with a block heater, I don't know if it worked right but as soon as it was -10 or warmer it would fire right up no problems. Sorry if this isn't any help but the only probs I have had starting my prix have been in warm weather, it always fires up nice even the other night when it was -27, and Canadian Tire told me my battery wouldn't start my car in the winter, Bastards. 8)

Anyone have any clues for what I should try?


A new battery may solve your problems.

You battling against thermal-resistance; your current battery can't handle the cold conditions.

Does it fire if you jump start? Do you have any power accessories with the ignition ON?


- Erik


I've had that problem the past couple of days with the cold weather. A nice hammer to the starter and it was roaring like it should :D


Ok, Block heater did nothing.. I just pushed the car out on the street, car still wouldn't crank.


I will try a different battery and hitting the starter a little later


Ok.. I got the car off the street finally.


At around 3pm I noticed the air was a little warmer so I went and tried to start it again. As usual no cranking, dead silence. It finally started to crank but I held the key for at least 10 seconds in the cranking position. The car has no problem firing it just won't crank.


Anyone have a clue about that?




I replaced the battery with a spiral cell one I purchased for one of the other cars, I don't think thats the problem but might aswell give it a shot.

My neighbour said I should try jumping a wire from the solenoid to the battery and see if it will start cranking that way.


same as mine hit it with a hammer until you fix it and tell me how much it cost after you do. Then MAYBE I'll fix mine :D


Jump the wires on your your starter with a screw driver. See what happens. WHen i did it, it scared the shit outa me, that loud ass noise right in front of your face, and your laying underneath the car on jackstands. Get an ohm meter i think its called, and make sure taht your getting enough power to the starter. Try the screwdriver thing see what happens. could have a bad starer. If you have a napa near you and some extra time, pull the starter and ahve them test it, they told me 3 days ago that it was $5 to test the starter and $10 or $15 for the battery.

they told me 3 days ago that it was $5 to test the starter and $10 or $15 for the battery.

Really, the Napa here tests them for free.


If it is the starter, it's an easy change, It took me about 20min. to change the starter on my sister's 3800.


My situation was virtually identical recently. When very cold, the car would sometimes refuse to start, cranking but not firing. I did not experience the silence upon turning the key like you described, but almost every time, an emergency jump pack enabled it to start. This was a strange coincidence because the culprit was my crank position sensor.


Now, my engine is the 3.4, so I'm uncertain if it would be your problem. In my case, the block heater was leaking onto the harness for the CPS (heh, funny, my initials even) and was grounding it out. I even stalled in the middle of an intersection one day, cranked with no fire, and a jump start got me going...don't ask me how.


That might be another sensor to do an electrical test, otherwise, heck, look at the basics. How's your ground wire look?


Ok, the weather hasn't been cold enough recently to replicate this "no start" problem. The other thing I can add for sure is that the fuel pump isn't turning on when this happens. Does that help any? AS I said before I replaced the battery with an extra one I had and I switched the fuel pump relay.

The other thing I can add for sure is that the fuel pump isn't turning on when this happens.


Did you de-pressureize the fuel rail? Once done, the fuel pump will turn on @ ON position to fill the fuel rail.

Sorry, but I need clarification: does the engine crank over, but not start?

Check the Secondary Timing Belt? Check spark on plugs? Gotta start digging around...


- Erik


Something worth noting that I forgot earlier: the GM vehicles supported by PassLock with the chip in the key can eventually fail. This chip is necessary for the computer to relay the fuel pump to operate. If it isn't working properly with the normal use of the key, it's as if the car is being started by another means, which will end up cranking without firing as the fuel pump is not operating.


I believe the Security light would illuminate on the dash in this case though.


Ok, you guys are getting mixed up


The car with the problem is a 91 Regal GS 3800


1. No passlock no such thing for it at that time

2. Engine is a 3800 not the LQ1



When the car won't start


It does not crank or even try to

Fuel pump does not turn on

ie. complete dead silence


Battery seems fine as the interior lights and headlights are bright


This happens when it is really really cold. It has been fine since this Saturday when I finally got it to crank at 3pm. It required the key to be in the cranking position for at least 10secs then it magically fired up.

At that point I changed the battery since I had a new one laying around for one of my Cieras(both are dead right now, fixing in the spring) plus I changed the fuel pump relay with an extra one. Also it hasn't been that cold to replicate the problem.


Ah, ahite. Well, it's looking like everyone has offered enough advice to get things rolling for testing. Always look at the simple stuff first is all I would advise. Nothing is worse than replacing good parts to find out a problem is just a crappy connection or something.

  • 1 month later...

Hello, Still have had this problem where nothing happens when you turn the key. It hasn't happened that much since the last post because I have been using the GTP alot more instead of the Buick. Today it happened again and since the weather is good I finally tried the starter by jumping the terminals and it turned over no problem but wouldn't fire. Just cranked and cranked. I then went around and tried it with the key and it started. The other thing I know for sure is that I can't hear the fuel pump turn on when this happens.


The fuel pump wont turn on because the key is not on, i think same goes with spark, which is why your car didnt start when you jumped the terminals on the starter. I could be wrong on both though.


Yah thats right, forgot to think of it that way. I still have no idea about the turning the key over and nothing happens.


dude the cold weather is affecting your neutral safety switch........... if the tranny isn't in park all the way or the cable that operates it doesnt put it all the way in the car wont start.......check the cable and then hit the switch with an ohm meter the next time it wont start.


Yes. thats what I have narrowed it down too.


Netraul switch


ignition switch?


It happens all the time now even on warm days 20C (70+f)


I just installed a momentary switch instead.. turn the key on and flip the switch

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