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supercharger on Lq1 idea....input needed

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i wanted to take a 1/4 inch plate and take the l67 supercharger gsket and cut the holes on the plate...then make the bolt patterns to mate the plate and the supercharger together....


next step is getting that plate to fit the lower intake....just weld it nice and tight...i saw a cobra guy do it before...


my question is, the supercharger would then take the place of the plenum right? how bout a throttle body and IAC and TPS sensor locations?


i have a 93 that uses a MAP sensor...would getting a 2 bar map sensor be simple as it sounds or is computer tunning necessary? If vegeta is reading this, how much would you charge to tune the puter?


Also, vacuum lines could easily be rerouted....


any and all input welcome!

i wanted to take a 1/4 inch plate and take the l67 supercharger gsket and cut the holes on the plate...then make the bolt patterns to mate the plate and the supercharger together....


next step is getting that plate to fit the lower intake....just weld it nice and tight...i saw a cobra guy do it before...

...lq1 supercharged....drools. you'd have to get the pullies right because you have a smaller motor.

my question is, the supercharger would then take the place of the plenum right? how bout a throttle body and IAC and TPS sensor locations?
yes it would. adapt the lq1 throttlebody to the supercharger inlet.


i have a 93 that uses a MAP sensor...would getting a 2 bar map sensor be simple as it sounds or is computer tunning necessary? If vegeta is reading this, how much would you charge to tune the puter?
need computer tuning .


would be cool motor but I think a vortech supercharger would be better as they are more efficient and easier to intercool.





Seems to me like it'd stick out of the hood.


It will. I have quite a few files for doing exactly this. I had it completely designed in Solidworks and then couldn't get it in the school shop for free. A turbo turned out to be cheaper and I figured it'd make more power so I scrapped the idea. If you want the files, I'll see if I can find them.




I guess I should clarify that mine was designed to fit on the lower intake manifold, not to the heads themselves.




Your best bet, and easiest way to doing this is to NOT mount it on top of the engine. But then again this is a 3.4 were talking about, so there isn't much space. I'm mounting mine infront of the engine, much easier, less work involved.


timg, if you could get me the files i would appreciate it.


About the hood clearance, thats the last worry on my mind. I'll stick a cowl hood on their.


I had pics on another thread of wat a guy did to a lower intake, the steel plate and the supercharger but the bastard took the pics down!

Your best bet, and easiest way to doing this is to NOT mount it on top of the engine. But then again this is a 3.4 were talking about, so there isn't much space. I'm mounting mine infront of the engine, much easier, less work involved.


I agree. Look at the 3.4 Grand Am supercharger. It's right where the airbox would be. That seems perfect to me. PLenty of room for the supercharger and intercooler piping.




the l67 supercharger is alot cheaper for me to attain.


There is a 99 GP at the boneyard and they'll sell me the supercharger for about a hundred bucks, giver or take some.


Like i said, hood clearance is the least worry on my mind. Hell, ill cut a hole on the hood if needed! If things need to get chopped up, i have a trigger-happy zawsaw sitting and smiling


just wondering, what kind of supercharger is the Grand Am s/c? Centrifugal right?


Nah, it's a roots blower. I believe they used a eaton M62. I'm trying to download the files now. I'm not sure if your e-mail is in your sig or not, but if not shoot me a PM with it and I'll send you those files. They're fairlyt large.




you can click on the email thingy, should send it to my inbox directly. I have broadband so if email attachment doesn't work, we can try filetransfer


Thats what I have, an eaton m90 (l67 SC). It's a roots type SC. If you have the time and the money to do it, go for it. Get it all running right, and find out your hood clearance. If you must cut a hole, get another hood, so you can make a hood scoope for it.


I think you would have an easier time fitting a CSC into there rather than a roots blower even if you side mounted it.


Why not turbo the LQ1


Probably because it's easier and cheaper to SC most anything than Turbo it. I would have to agree on the CSC, I wish I could find one for a reasonable price myself, but I'm gonna have to work with a roots type.


When I was trying to do the M90 from a Grand Prix, it was about $200 for the TB and another $200 for the supercharger or something like that. My turbo was only $550. The piping on my turbo ended up costing less than what a machine shop wanted to charge for the supercharger adapter. It all depends on what kind of hook-ups you have as to which is cheaper. In my case, I had zero hookups for a SC and a ton of hookups for a turbo. Either one would yield awesome results on a 3.4.


BTW- did you get those files? I don't remember which were which. The last modified are probably the best ones.




Oh yeah, one more thing. I always thought mine had no low end, today I found out why. My rear back head had an exhaust cam one notch over on the timing belt. That's probably why my top end was always so good and my low end was always lacking.


See, I have the hookups for either one, its the benefits of knowing people that work at machine shops. For me, the SC is cheaper and easier to do, but like in timg's case, it was the turbo that was easier to do.

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