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I got 2 problems....


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1996 gtp

1992 z-34


they both seem to die for no reson, like after I pull up to a stop light they will bogg out and die, but then they will re-start and run fine (occasionally it will take a bit to re-start it, but they will start up).... the only differance is, that my gtp will get realy doggy on the already doggy "lower end" after about 2 hrs of driving, some times sooner, some times later... its really annoying, and quite embarrasing since I have full back exaust on both vehicals, and its easly told to others around that the car has died to...


I havent really started diagnosing either one, since I have very little time, and no personal garage, plus I have been pissed @ both of em so I have been driving my beeter s-10

and idea's or hints would be greatly appreciated, since i will be selling the z very soon...


later joe

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A new fuel filter might help too...


Those symptoms are similar to problems that people have in their new GM trucks and usually a fuel filter and fuel pressure regulator will cure the problem.

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