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photo radar returning to 401 highway in Ontario


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Well the last PM took it away, now Dalton McGinty(sp) is bringing it back.

The photo radar system is returning to the 401 highways. It takes pictures of your licence plate if you are speeding then you get a ticket in the mail. :evil:

Thats a good thing and a bad thing, because I think people SHOULD be able to cruise at 130km/h if they want, which the speed limit is only 100km/h.. :?

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Thank god they don't have that here... I drive 90 in a 70 zone most of the time.. then again so does everyone else pretty much. then again again, My speedo always says 120, so I don't know how fast I'm really going.

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I have seen that up there in Canada. It's kinda crazy to think that kinda shit can happen. They do have some stuff like that down here in the states on some Interstates Highways, but I think you REALLY have to be moving along for them to send a car after you if your car gets scanned...then again I could be wrong.


Oh, and I know up in Canada (up by Toronto (sp)) there was this toll way road that took a pic of your plate as you went on it and it sent you the bill in the mail...are they still using that system?



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sometimes while driving down a highway there will be some very thick white lines that lie across the road. A helicopter will sit above and time how long it takes to go between the lines. Too fast and you're gettin a ticket.

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dunno if they work


have to research






The UK uses the same type of system. I was actually watching a show called "Myth Busters" on Discovery. Essentially they tried every "known" method of over exposing the camera.


The only one that worked was completely covering the plate.

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Leave your plates filthy and unreadable.

Seriously, what do you think the chances of getting pulled over for having a dirty plate are? Slim to none, and if you do, all the cop is going to say is "clean your plate".

This might cause a problem if the rest of your car is really clean, but what they heck, a warning is better than a ticket.

There was this hilarious sketch on Royal Canadian Air Farce (tv show) when the government did this before.

The jist was "If they can send me a photo of my car speeding, I can send them a photo of me paying for it", accompanied by a polaroid of a guy fanning out a wad of $50's in one hand, and flipping the camera off with the other.

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they use Helicopters here on the major highways....if they catch you speeding they send out a cruiser after your ass...what a bitch


Here I go as an internet lawyer again! :roll: :lol: If you are clocked by an aircraft of any kind take it to court! Do not plead guilty unless they #1 prove that the aircraft was piloted by an officer or an officer of the law was actually in the aircraft that clocked you! If there was not an officer of the law in the aircraft then your ticket is null and void and can not be held against you in a court of law! #2 If the aircraft had an officer of the law in it, then that officer and the arresting officer (one who wrote the ticket) must be in court at the same time in front of the judge to be the witnesses against you. If the only cop who shows is the arresting officer then he is not a clear observer (witness) of your speed (unless of course you blow by him also and he locks radar on you). The pilot of the aircraft (cop or not) will not show in court because he is not the one who wrote the ticket. Technically the only person who is the witness against you in court is the officer who wrote the ticket. The officer who wrote the ticket did not observe your actual speed therefore the ticket can easily be overturned if you fight it!


Of course that may not be the statutes in all states but has worked for me 3 times in Colorado. 2 times in CastleRock, CO and one in Teller County, CO.

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Dude you should slow down :lol:


I have now...kid on the way!! :lol:


From 1994 through 1996 I got 10 tickets (3 of them were the above forementioned) in the state of Colorado for anything from Wreckless driving to speeding to wheelies on my 1992 GSX-R 1100. I took every ticket to court myself and beat every single one just because the cop who wrote the ticket did not show in court. You are truely innocent until proven guilty. You and the police are the only witnesses to "the crime" and all parties must be present for you to be convicted of what the cop "said" you did wrong. When you go to traffic court it is you, the cop, and the "states attorney" (many states have different names for them). The cop has the states attorney to help him/her and you defend yourself. Every court must supply you with the proper court procedures to defend yourself. Get that about one week before your hearing and do it! It is not that hard, and it is a total rush to be your own attorney!! :shock: If the cop does not show...you are the only witness to the "crime" you say you didn't do it and the Judge has no choice but to dismiss. The States attorney can not be a witness against you as he/she has most likely never seen you before that day, let alone what the cop said you did. The three aircraft tickets I got out of was with the help of a Colorado State Trooper friend of mine who said...make sure of two things (as I listed before). If the States Attorney can not prove it and the arresting officer is the only one there ask for a dismissal. Guess what? Both were immediately dismissed because there was not an officer in the plane... 8)

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I don't get it. The owner of the car gets the ticket even if someone else was driving the car?


What if you lent the car to a buddy, or the car's registered to you but your nearly ex-wife is driving......or her asshole boyfriend.

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It wasn't me who told you, but spay lots of hairspray on your license plate. It will show up glowing white in the pic.


I wonder if it works? What makes it glow?

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It wasn't me who told you, but spay lots of hairspray on your license plate. It will show up glowing white in the pic.


Sorry, it won't.


I've seen it tested twice. Once with a can of aerosol propelled hairspray and once with a can of the pump/spray type.


Each snap shot from the remote cam/radar showed it clear as day.


Investigate the suggestions before you try them and keep in mind, every advetiser is going suggest their product works, even if they don't.


So far the best advice has been to keep you plates dirty.

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