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Gas line anti-freeze


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Depends on how much ice there is. If you've got so much water in the tank that its causing problems you may have to wait for a warm day for it to even be effective. All the adatives do is turn the water in your tank into alcohol, the problem is the addatives often aren't missable in water, only gasoline, and as we all know gasoline floats on top of water so there won't be much mixing going on there unless you do some stirring (i.e putting new gas in the tank). As a rule though the more addative you put in the better its going to work (Le Chatlier's Principle), but don't exceed more than two bottles or so since alcohol can damage your fuel system.

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Thanks guys....I tried the easiest solution first.....it is extremely cold and windy here right now -35 C with the wind.I tried the key to the start positon to see if the pump was priming and there was no sound at all which to me means that the fuel pump is gone...The car is sitting directly in the wind which makes it worse!I doubt that the cold has caused the pump to malfunction.Anyway,now I have two GP's and both of them have fuel pump problems.....I love cars!

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Has anyone ever heard of the pump actually freezing up?In the morning I'll test the pump using the the test wire near the battery to see if there is any power going to it,yeah right now it's -21 and -36 with the windchill,so I'm not doing anthing that involves a car. :)

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Its entirely possible. My sisters car had a similar problem this week. Her car would crank and you could smell gas faintly in the engine compartment, but it would not turn over. So sure, if there's enough water in there it could freeze up.

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