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car insurance for stupid Ontario


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hey I'm "shopping" for car insurance here in Ontario and its damn frustrating.


Anyone know of "affordable" insurance company in southern Ontario for a 20 year old??? :twisted:


I'd like to pay around $200/mth with only $1mil liability and no collision or anything else


thanks guys

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I'm related to an insurance broker (we're in Ontario), so I can tell you exactly what option you have. I am 25, and my rate is about $140/mo. and will drop in May when I renew and get the discount (pick up another star) for turning 25. You probably won't do that well (even with no tickets or accidents), but you can probably do better than $200/mo.

Basically, the cheapest rate that you are going to get is to go with your parents auto and home insurance company. In all likelihood, their company offers some discount for having the house and cars together. There are - more or less - zero companies writing isolated auto (ie. no house, just a car) policies in Ontario right now. If you do manage to find a company that will write you for a car only, you are going to be looking at at least $2500-$3000 per year, which is ludicrous for a no-collision, no-comp. policy on a 15 year old car.

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Sorry, I should have noted that. I did mean as principle driver.

You can go with your parents company, as a principle driver, and still receive the same house + cars discount(s).

Here's how it works in our case. Dad's house and car are with Dominion. My brother is listed on Dad's policy, with Dominion, as an ocassional driver. Because of the number of drivers and number of cars (ie. each car has to have a principle driver, and Dad can only be listed as principle on one) I am listed and insured as a principle driver on my own car. You are going to have to be a principle driver regardless, whether you go with your parents company or separate. Normally, this would raise the rate because of age. However, since it is all through Dominion, I receive 10 + 10% discounts for the house and multiple vehicles all being with them. I can almost guarantee that the cheapest option available to you is the same: principle driver with parents company (and policies), to take advantage of discounts.

Here's one more way to do it. If it will be three cars, and four drivers: List you Dad, Mom, and Sister as principles, and you as an ocassional. The way the industry is set up (the way that they charge premiums) your sister likely be cheaper than you as a principle by simply being female. The highest premium rates in the industry are for 16-25 males.

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I'm 20 and pay $225 a month for 9months then I get a 3 month break. Thats for 2cars my Cutlass and Firebird, I dont have to pay much extra to have the Firebird cause the Cutlass is my primary car. Before I got the Firebird my insurance was $170 a month.

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Try this: I'm 18 in NYC, I pay 3600 with no accidents or anything like that. My Drivers Ed discount knocks that down to 3200. If the car wasn't in my moms name, with me as the primary, It would be 8000+ a year. Insurance blows!

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