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extra hp cheap

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delete this thread before everyone else sees it!! Run before they read it!!! RUN!!!!



sorry man, unless you have alot of $$ you wont get any more valves. You COULD however have the heads ported and polished to the extreme for more HP. Other than that, your out of luck


quick note, their is also a supercharger from RSMracing.com but many peoples have had probs wit them and the price is ridicoulus!!


"extra hp cheap"

-does not exist-


don't believe anyone on ebay or elsewhere who tells you it does.





Well, I realize that cheap isn't really an option, but I mean relatively. Like, what can I do for $200 or less?

Like, what can I do for $200 or less?


nothing that will add a noticable difference in HP


For $200 or less you can ghetto rig an air intake, or add a drop in K&N and see little to no differance in performance. But at least you'll have bragging rights over stock vehicles, and who doesn't like the little K&N window stickers you'll get as a nice bonus for dropping $40 on an air filter. You may also be able to ghetto rig a custom exhaust or staightpipe it for about $200, either way its not gonna be pretty.


Welcome to the world of the 95' Cutlass. Not not exactly the most mod-albe car out there. But thats okay, they sure are pretty.


Not horsepower related, but you could dramatically improve the feel of the ride with a strut tower brace. You could either junkyard one, or maybe even custom fab. one for under $200

I agree with the others; for $200 you won't be able to pick up much HP, but you can sure make it ride better.

If I was looking to use $200, I'd do strut tower brace, mod the intake (I chose K&N with circular hole cut in side of stock airbox), and a complete tuneup.


k&n and premium gas :D :D


you could also try a cone intake but that wont necessarrily produce more horsepower but might improve response plus some people think the sound cool?!?


STBs are a good idea for handling - especially for the rear


Exaust could be done for around that much including a new catalitic converter and piping.


you might try an UD pulley


You also MIGHT be able to find a chip for somewhere around that much


thats all i can think of right now


I agree, a detailed tune-up will bring out the already deed horsepower within you car. From motor oil to new spark plug wires and plugs, youll feel the difference with a detailed tune up.


Also, try an injector flush. Not one you pour into the gas tank, but one were they hook up that thing to your fuel rails to purge them. Also, try either Seafoam thing or GM Top Engine Cleaner to cleanup the combustion chambers.



I would have thought that FFP would have made somee things for the 3100/3400's..



Another popular thing is to do a whole 3100 to 3400 swap intake/head swap....


dude here's my suggestion to you. i also am poor and have no money here's what I did:


I have the 3100 engine and I

- Complete Tune up with 2 engine flushes

- Changed over to Amsoil 0w-30 Series 2000 synthetic Racing Oil and with the matching high performance filter

- Added a K&N drop in


These have allowed my car to go faster & accelerate better. I don't have any official numbers but my car has more power at it's disposal now. I can feel it. All of that costs under $200. The oil is expensive though at $7 a quart, but it's the best oil that they sell and it's what gets used in Nascar races and whatnot.


You could probably find a high-flow cat for under 200$. Also, under drive pulleys would free up a little more hp.


Horsepower aint cheap, change the plugs and wires ($60) , 02 sensors ($24), k&n filter, high flow catco cat ($50 shipped from ebay), cut the cats off and replace with pipes or glasspacks ($30) ricer air filter ($25), and an underdrive pully if ya can afford it.


SigEp, I dont want to lecture ya about how bad engine flushes are to piston rings and head gaskets, but 2??? geez.




when changing my oil, i always use engine flush (Amsoil). It gets any unwanted residues out of your engine. My dad taught me to use the stuff. It was especially important to do when i changed over to synthetic b/c you need to get any and all crap from the conventional oil out of your engine for the best results. We have synthetic oil in 3 out of the 4 cars my family has.


To draw another practical example:

My younger sister has a 2000 VW Golf GLS. That car as i have previously stated has the best manual transmission i've ever driven. In anycase, my dad changed it over to synthetic, same as in my cutty Amsoil 0w-30 series 2000 Synthetic Racing oil. The engine runs faster and more smoothly. I don't know how different a dyno of before and after would be, but you can feel a difference.


can't do much with $200? How bout an underdrive pulley ($100), STB ($15), and K&N ($30), and a case of beer ($20)???


carsound cat = close to $50 shipped from ebay. I got two magnaflows off ebay for $117 shipped. The piping for my car was $280 for 2.5" dual exhaust. PLus another $90 for the round muffler to act as a resontater. ALl that plus install was over $600. Added a good amount of power. but taht isnt cheap. Full tune up would do ya alot of good like the rest are saying. Make your own CAI for maybe $60 including filter. Maybe find a used N2O on ebay and fill bottle for under $200? Thats about the best bang for your buck is N2O.


Engine Flush:


Cons: eats away at gaskets, doesnt do any good for piston rings, valve seals, etc etc etc


Pros: Cleans out buildup, helps unstick lifters.


Syntetic oil:


Cons: leaks more, flows thru gaskets, costs a lot more


Pros: runs smoothers, keeps the engine cleaner/cooler/less friction.


I only run synthetic in cars that have no leaks to start with and are lower milage because there are a few benefits from it, but it will leak more then standard oil


Engine Flushes are BAD to run in your motor unless it has a shitload of buildup. Yes buildup is broken down, but so are gaskets.




Man..what are all you talking about..


Extra Cheap horsepower is easy..


Spend all the money on stickers.

You could get another 200+ EASY..




I see a lot are mentioning those STB's.. do you guys honestly notice THAT much of a difference with them? I've never considered getting one because they seemed to be semi-useless to me.. but if they increase the handling as much as I hear, I'm gonna have to get one..


i don't use it every time. I pretty much use it once a year. It would be overkill if i did it every 3,000 before.

I see a lot are mentioning those STB's.. do you guys honestly notice THAT much of a difference with them? I've never considered getting one because they seemed to be semi-useless to me.. but if they increase the handling as much as I hear, I'm gonna have to get one..



aye, there's a big difference, there's a lot less body flex and more tire to road performance


the biggest benifit of STBs is from the rear one. MUCH less body flex helps with roll and is a major + to handling. The front one will also benifit by helping with traction on curves but the rear is most substantial.


I notice i huge difference when i got my rear one. Though it got in the way of the top when trying to put it down, breaking the window, but it added a great deal of difference in the curves. I can take them alot faster than before. That was another part that i was supposed to get from Justin, a new rear STB that was out of the way of the rear window.

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