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How Do I Open A Car Door (Linkage Failure Suspected)?


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It was-40 deg. this morning, and the cheap cast aluminum door handle snapped like a pretzel.

I picked up a replacement exterior drivers-side door handle for my 2 door 1989 Pontiac Grand Prix. It initially worked fine but now fails to open from the inside-or-outside. Are there any tricks for getting the door open??? I suspect the linkage let go.


I need a solution that will allow me to get the door open so I can make necessary repairs or ajustments.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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last jan i had to replace both of my handles. cost me 55 each.

what an expensive car wash to have a clean car on the coldest day of last jan.



as the time has passed i have had to adjust the handles one time each to get them to work properly. and yet the pass side still is picky as hell.


i recall reading another thread at onetime asking the same Q but do not recall any answer.


mayb a locksmith could help ya out. or does a slimjim pop the latch?

just a thought as i am not sure.



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I don't know about your car, but on my `94 Cutlas, if you loose the link under the cover just inside the lip (behind and just under the handle) there is no way to get the door open without damage.

There no access.

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Friday Jan 09 04:

It was-40 deg. this morning, and the cheap cast aluminum door handle snapped like a pretzel.

I picked up a replacement exterior drivers-side door handle for my 2 door 1989 Pontiac Grand Prix. It initially worked fine but now fails to open from the inside-or-outside. Are there any tricks for getting the door open??? I suspect the linkage let go.


I need a solution that will allow me to get the door open so I can make necessary repairs or ajustments.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Sunday Jan 11 04:

After 3 hours, I managed to get both my driver's seat out and the inside door panel off. I checked (by feel) to no avail. Nothing really felt out of place...but I really don't know what else to do, but bring my 1989 2-door Pontiac Grand Prix it to a mechanic!!! I had my auto club (CAA) come out, and he was of little help, he sggested I bring it to a body shop. He offered to tow the vehicle. I declined the tow-job.


Again, if anybody has any background or experience with opening the drivers-side door, HELP would be appreciated. I'd like to give it another try, before admitting defeat, and bringing it to a shop.


Anybody care to venture how much a shop will charge to open a car door these days???

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Friday Jan 09 04:

It was-40 deg. this morning, and the cheap cast aluminum door handle snapped like a pretzel.

I picked up a replacement exterior drivers-side door handle for my 2 door 1989 Pontiac Grand Prix. It initially worked fine but now fails to open from the inside-or-outside. Are there any tricks for getting the door open??? I suspect the linkage let go.


I need a solution that will allow me to get the door open so I can make necessary repairs or ajustments.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Sunday Jan 11 04:

After 3 hours, I managed to get both my driver's seat out and the inside door panel off. I checked (by feel) to no avail. Nothing really felt out of place...but I really don't know what else to do, but bring my 1989 2-door Pontiac Grand Prix it to a mechanic!!! I had my auto club (CAA) come out, and he was of little help, he sggested I bring it to a body shop. He offered to tow the vehicle. I declined the tow-job.


Again, if anybody has any background or experience with opening the drivers-side door, HELP would be appreciated. I'd like to give it another try, before admitting defeat, and bringing it to a shop.


Anybody care to venture how much a shop will charge to open a car door these days???


Tuesday Jan 13 04:


After calling different body shops around town, their prices were all about the same ($50/hour+parts as needed). I decided to go to the body shop that was closest. When I arrived, the guys were on break, so they instructed me to drive my car into their shop. I had foreman look it over and he couldn't open the door either. I told him that I managed to take the drivers seat and interior door panel off from the inside (without damage). I partially reinstalled everything, on Sunday just before darkness fell. So while waiting for the technician to come off break, I managed to get the seat and panel off in about 5 minutes, and go outside and have a quick smoke (-25 c.). When I got back, my jaw dropped and the door was opened. I asked the tech, what he did, and he essentially said "nothing!!!" . It turns out that just the garage heat was enough to free up a frozen spring on the latch, the inside door lock lever was just short of getting the required range of motion to fully engage the latch assembly. He told me I could go ahead and put the car seat in. He went over and sprayed various lock and door components with WD-40. He said WD-30 checks water and leaves a film on the parts. "Funny", I said, I had pretty much sprayed everything with a silicone spray, back in November.


Shop heat and a generous coating of WD-40 fixed the problem. My replacement door handle installation was not a contributing factor, but rather a link of coincidental events. I put the seat and door panel back together in their heated garage, and drove my car to the front of their shop to pay them for their services.


The shop foreman told me there would be no charge. I offered to pay, but he wouldn't accept my money!!! They told me if I knew anbody that needed body work done to give them a refferal. I politely took their business card and thanked them for their time.


It's been a couple of days and we're getting some real cold weather (-30's deg c.), so every time I go to use my car, I anticipate the door won't open...but it does. (So far)!!! :shock: :)

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