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reverse lights


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The reverse lights on the cuttys, the long skinny ones, are they supposed to light up all the way across? I noticed today when i was getting my car estimated for exhaust work, when the guy backed it up only the middle of the reverse lights turned on. Looked kind of odd, but I dont know if they are supposed to light up all the way across or not.

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That will be a project for some other day near never considering my exhaust is gonna run about $402 to install.


EDIT: not just install, but 2.5" pipes and 2.25" Y pipe, for some reason he said that was all the bigger he could go. So my exhaust total is gonna be $660 :shock:

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Too late, ive tried a couple friends and they are either too busy being high, or too lazy to do it. Its cool though, i know its done right, and I saved up the money for it so.

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