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OK We are in surgery

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Well we started the oil pump drive seal repair. I left my freind with the plenum off. The car will remain in I.C.U. until tomorrow. Then a day in recovery and hopefully out by Saturday. My freind is a mechanic for Fed Ex and is doing on the side when he has time. He is going to try and do it without removing the rear head. Wish me luck.

Wish me luck.


Don't you mean wish him luck? :lol:


sorry...but seriously i do hope the best for ya thats a nice cutlass


that's gonna be tough without removing the head..to do it *right*..anyways...I was tinkering w/ a 3.4 today in the shop and the oil pump drive looked to be a good ways under the edge of the head. I found out this week our auto shop at my college has 8 brand new 3.4 DOHC's(all are 94 models) :shock: ..we have two in the shop to tear apart and whatnot, the other 6 are completely assembled w/ all accessories/sensors/etc....my instructor usually doesn't allow anyone in the huge storage building behind the shop, but let me help him roll a motor out today and that's when I seen all of those 3.4's..seen a few other familiar motors as well. 8)

my instructor usually doesn't allow anyone in the huge storage building behind the shop, but let me help him roll a motor out today and that's when I seen all of those 3.4's..seen a few other familiar motors as well.


Quick steal his keys and i'll bring my truck by and we can load a few up in the back... :twisted: ...dibs on a 454 or EFI 302 H.O. if they got one


Well, you guys are right the oil pump will not get out without the head comming off. We decided to go with the industrial high temp silicone method. Notched the tab of the head and top of the oil pump and was able to raise it a good 1/4 inch. Applied a nice bead while spinning the pump. I think were good. It's in recovery and tomorrow I'll get it back. Hey, I can do this repair once a year for the next 6 years and it will still be cheaper Than the $1200-$1500 estimates I was getting to do it with removing the head. Thank you W-body.com for the info on this procedure.

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