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I hate to make a new post on this topic, but I can't find anything relating to the 3.4 here, all of the topics are 3.1 related.


So disclaimer aside, how hard is this? I'm fairly certain its the cause of my problem's since my engines revs then comes close to stalling when its first started and does so untill it warms up. But the problem has worsened in severity since winter decided to make an apprearance this week. I know I can get the parts for around $50-75, but I'm curious as to how involved of a repair this is. From what I can see I know I'm going to have to remove all of the upper intake plenum, so that means partially draining the coolant, and removing the fuel rails as well, but will I have to remove heads or valve train parts or disturb the cams?


No you wont have to do anything with the heads. I had to do this a couple monthes back, took a good 6 hrs, with a few breaks to eat and shit. Drain the coolant a little bit, the TB coolant line is a bitch to get on and off, if you dont have a screw type hose clamp on that get one. Get a thermostat, change your spark plugs while the plenum is off, change the plug wires, make sure the thermo goes in right, cuz its a pain to have to go back and redo. If you have worked on cars, or are good at working with your hands it shouldnt be too hard of a project. 4 bolts are hard to get at on the lower intake, youll want an extension and possibly a elbow socket thing. I cant think of the name, one of those twisty ones. If you dont have a manual, get one so you can follow along and dont get lost.



I have a few pics on my web site, click the button below and then click on engine. Not much help on the process i dont think but atleast show some of the work involved.


6 hours? 75 bucks? I could do mine in about 2 and I woulnd't pay more than 40 for the gaskets.


Well hey, since your so close you wanna do mine? Even in the garage I'm gonna freeze my ass off if I do it this week. Stupid snow.


Thanks for the info by the way. If I don't have to mess with any of the valve train I'm not too worried about doing it. I've done plugs, wires, thermostat, brakes, radiators, and whatnot before, so this shouldn't be too bad. Although I'm sure it will take me a good six hours and not two to complete.

6 hours? 75 bucks? I could do mine in about 2 and I woulnd't pay more than 40 for the gaskets.



Since i had never done it before, yes about 6 hrs. That was my first time digging into the engine, cant blame me for it taking some time.


i retimed my engine wit only a socket set, breaker bar and rented serpentine belt tool from Autozone. Also since it was my 1st time it took from 7am to about 8pm inlcuding breaks to drink some coke and eat too :lol: :lol: :lol:


Well, I paid $54 for the gasket set, and so far I'm an hour into the project and I can't figure out how to get the damn upper intake off. I've removed the six bolts in front, the two nuts in back and a couple of others attaching the throttle cable to the plenum, but it won't come off so I must be missing one somewhere??? A little help?


theres a hose that clamps onto a nipple right under the throttlebody. i will bet thats what it is


hey bro, dont forget about the bottom coolant hose under the throttle body as well as the brake booster hose behind the plenum...dont rip it out wit force, be patient. THe rear hose on the plenum is attached using a pressure clamp (GOD I HATE THOSE!)


every clamp on my damn car is a pressure clamp. thats how they come from the factory


Yep, thats exactly what it is. The damn coolant hose and the brake booster hose in the rear of the plenum!!!


HOW THE FIZZNUCK DO I GET THESE OUT?!?!?!?!?!?! I've been playing with every plier type tool known to man for the last hour and I cannot get to them with all of the crap in the way.


Keep working at it, they will come, dont forget about the coolant hose when putting it back together. It will be easier to put on with the plenum off, trust me. I forgot that part.


I gave up on it for today. Defeated by a damn hose clamp. I was finally able to get the clamp rotated enough to get a good grip on it so I could drop it down a bit, but then the damn hose wouldn't come off of the plenum.


Does anyone know how to remove to coolant line (I think its the out line that runs to the heater core) that runs from just above the thermostat to the master cylinder area? Its got some wierd fitting and I'm not sure if you unscrew it or compress the clip and pull it.

  • 2 weeks later...

Ha, eat that you evil engine!!!


Replacement of the upper intake gasket was sucessful. The friggin thing came out in three pieces. No wonder the engine was running like crap. The only hitch this time was putting the thing all of the way back together only to find that the Coolant passage on the front side of the TB had a bad seal at the o-ring. Frickin thing is a bad design, but its nothing some TRV gasket sealer couldn't take care of. Or at least I hope thats the case since I'm still waiting for it to dry.


to get a coolant hose off, pry the edge up with a screwdriver and shoot soem WD40 in there. Work it in with the screwdriver and turn it if possible.


Thanks for the replies guys.


I finally got everything back together on it last night. To my surprise it was worse than before!!! WTF? So I stuck my head inside the engine bay, and oh look, I forgot to bolt the EGR back on. So I did that and it runs great!!!


Thanks again for all the help. You guys saved me at least $500, the stealership said they would have had to tear it down to diagnose it ($300), and then they'd fix it (about $250) "if I was right". Screw that, the total fix cost me all of $6 and some skin off the back of my hand.


Thanks again for the help!!!


THE easiest way to pull the plenum off i have found is to just cut that coolant hose with long knife or maybe a hack saw blade.its just a peice of standard heater hose (5/8 I think). While your at it see how far you can chuck those tension clamps and get a couple of stainless hose clamps.

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