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Alot can happen in a week


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Alot of SHIT........listen to this, last tuesday I went to the mall to do some last minute x-mas shopping and I come out and what do I see? My rear bumper with all the paint taken off the drivers side molded corner the size of my hand(I can cover it with my hand) and my taillight had a little crack in it, and white paint scratched across it. Surprisingly I kept my cool and just went about my day. Okay, later that night around 9 or 10 I was hanging out at my friends house, and this guy his mom is dating is a real asshole and drinks alot and gets pissed and always storms out of the house, gets in his tundra, and tears the fuck out. Any other time I wouldn't have minded except this night when it happened, my precious was parked relatively close to the "danger zone", this asshole backs into my fucking car and puts a nasty dent right underneath my back window on the drivers side(basically the whole distance from my door to the back wheelwell). I actually heard it and ran out to see what happened. He was already out of the truck checking it out, now Im usually not a violent person but when I saw what he did I kind of just snapped and went off. I just started screaming at him and I guess he didnt like it being all drunk and what not, and he took a swing at me, this upest me even further. I punched him right between the eyes and he just fell to the ground and said I broke his nose and he was going to call the cops, I told him it was self-defense and that he owed me $150 and I left. That's the end of that part. Two days later(christmas day) my starter takes a shit. Done, nothing but a couple of clicks. Talk about a very bad sequence of events. This hasn't just been a rant, I did have a few questions. After getting a new starter and putting it in I noticed I blew a few fuses in the process and just wondered why that would happen? And can anybody recommend a good paint-less dent repair place?

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It was the courtesy lights on the rear-view mirror and my radio fuse that blew, and the one dent is pretty nasty looking at least 1ft sq it creased in one spot but all the rest is just dented, the bumper I can take care of with touch-up paint. I attempted to see how easy it would be to get the interior off the inside to get to it, it looks like it's going to be a job. I'd rather just have some guy take care of it in an hour and make it look right, then me fucking around with it for days and having it not be correct in the end. I've heard paintless dent repair is fairly cheap anyway.

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Let me tell you that I feel your anger...just reading that fired me up :evil: . That fucking drunk got a little taste of what he had coming, but got off easy IMO. The shit with someone hitting your car and taking off is the real aggrivating shit I frown on :nono: . I'd like to catch someone doing that stunt then allowing me to take a fucking bat to there car for a minute. :devil: Man does that shit piss me off!!!!

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Yeah....I could do that. But I've been friends with this kid and his family for a long time. The guy might be a dick but I really like these people and they're like a second family to me. So I think Im going to take the path of least drama and just get the $100-$150 from him and be on my way. I feel real bad about busting him in his face, and I dont want to cause the guy any more bullshit. I understand it was an accident and he wasn't thinking clearly, but that doesnt mean Im going to forgive and forget without any reimbursment. If he gives me the money everything will be fine, if not, then I might do the insurance thing or just take him to small claims court.

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I understand it was an accident and he wasn't thinking clearly...


Voluntarily getting trashed, and then going out and driving isn't an accident in my book. An accident is when you have no control over the events that preciptated the end effect.


Friend or not, I don't see why they'd have a problem with you going after his insurance if he's so clearly in the wrong. If he doesn't give you the $150, you're going to have another problem in dealing with his insurance: Since no police report was made, it is now your word against his. This could get worse before it gets better.

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I have a feeling he's going to give me the money. He apolagized the next morning and I did too, he felt real bad about hitting my car and I felt real bad about dropping him. He's more than 20 years older than me and has helped me alot with my car and stuff. He doesn't want to make anything more out of it than it is and neither do I. Im not one to make a big production over things and will let it go for the self-estimated cost of $150 to repair the dent. I'm sure it wont be that much to fix it but it sounded good at the time and still does. There's no way Im going to let it not get fixed, it's an eye-sore.


And what I meant by it being an accident wasn't in the traditional sense of the word, I meant he made the accident happen by being pissed off and drunk and not looking where he was backing up. Resulting in him being out $150 and having two black swollen eyes and a puffed out nose. He got everything he deserved in my book. I think it would have been handled better without the violence but it was his choice to swing on me and I reacted how I thought I needed to. Come to think about it I should have said $200

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I'm sure it wont be over $100 to fix, I have a guy that's "the best around"(self-proclaimed) bodyman told me he'd do it for $150, but it wouldnt be paintless and he would have to use those pull-rivets that they pull dents with, then bondo the holes sand and repaint for $150. But someone else told me to go with paintless dent repair, that it was cheaper and easier. It's really not a major dent , maybe 1ft. sq, I'm pretty sure I'll have something left over for my troubles. As for any witnesses of the actual accident happening, no, we were all inside, next thing you know this dickfuck comes down from upstairs throws his boots and jacket on and slams the door as loud as he could on his way out. Next thing you hear is his truck start, engine rev, then a real dense blunt metal to metal sound kind of a thump. We ran outside, to see him standing out there looking at my car and his truck, thats when the violence broke out, a threat of cops, me saying "call the cops, it was self-defense and you owe me 150 dollars for that fucking dent" Then I left. No cops or any insurance companies were notified of anything. So the actual accident wasn't witnessed, alot was witnessed after the fact. All that doesnt matter though since Im not going to go the insurance route, he'll give me the money and everything will be fine.

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