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What is needed for a series 1 3.8 swap????

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The car I have now is a 1989 2.8 GP le 2 door, and in the spring I want to get a new engine. I was going o go with a 3.1 cause it is easy but after looking around I cant really find any good ones, (I don't really want to do a rebiuld) but I found a good condition series 1 3.8 out of 92' Regal for 350 bucks and the computer for the same car with the same engine for 60 bucks. But what else would I need? I found out that my tranny should work, I know I'll need all the altenator and power steering stuff but what else would I need. Alxes? Harness? Just need some help i'm trying to piece this together for spring so the cost wont hurt as much. Thanx guys. 8)


Yeah but I found a 3.8 and can't find anything else around my area so I'm kinda stuck but need to start buying stuff now. Hopefully I come across a 3.1 and that would be the easiest but A 3.8 would be a nice custom add on and make me want to keep it a little longer ya know. Now if I could get some one one to explain to me about biulding a turbo 3.1 just like the factory ones that would be the best idea but prolly the most expensive. I just want to get it done the cheapest way posible. 8) Thanx for any input guys.


really, then all i would need is computer and i'd be good to go, I found a yard that has like 4 3.1's for 1992 reals, but are those 3100? They are only 250 bucks and only 15 mins away. And the one had a qutoe on it that said "runs good". for $250.


yeah i'm not really after power right now, just want a good running car. Thanx 4 the help badass. 8)

But what else would I need?

You will proably need the subframe out of a 3800 regal, the dogbone, hoses, there are proably more.



I think they should work



Engine Harness? Yes you will need it.


You will need the



Motor mounts from the donor

Inner axels from the donor

Down pipe

Engine side wiring harness

The AC lines from both cars (if you want AC)


The engine and trans will mate with no alteration needed to the frame or cradle.


There's more to it, so just check out L67swap.com. The process is the same for any 3800. Brian Teel is the main guy for specific questions.


If you're going the a getrag you will need all of the linkage from a 5 speed gp and a fly wheel from a 3.8 RWD and it will have to be machined down to fit.

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