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stupid weird new knock


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Ok....got a new one today. Quite odd. When i got off work, the whole car felt different (like my tires were empty or something). Well, it also didnt have as much pickup, or felt like it didnt, once or twice.


Well, when i get home, i notice it has a bit more knock than usuall. It may be caus it really still wanst warmed up.


But, I also put in 93 octane, mainly b/c the stupid station was empty on 87 and 89. Could this be why? I know if you used the wrong octane...you would get a knock...but i thought it had more of a BB sound, rather then a harder deaper one.



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is there by chancew any oil in the engine???


The most important thing that i learned about working on cars... TRY THE OBVIOUS FIRST and save yourself some hassle cuz 9 times out of 10 thats what it is.


- Justin

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That car should run like a charm on the higher octane fuel.

If you use the lower all the time it could have dislodged something that has plugged up your filter or injectors. The higher octane has a lot of system cleaning properties that are not found in the lower.

And your electronic systems may need time to adjust for this octane change.

Some metro areas require alcohol in the gas this time of year to reduce smog, and that too can clean things up that cause problems when they get to filters or injectors.

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all gone away now. Twas nothing, but me being a psycho.


I did take it to carmax...they offred me $500 for. Said it had a lower engine noise. I laughed in the dealers face, and told him to flip his mechanic over (the only knock it ever really has is the usuall Rockers when its cold)!




thanks yall


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