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Exhuast Mounts

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I was pulling out of my apartment complex making a left turn and all the sudden I heard this noise like some thing broke, I figured at first it was a leaf spring, but the rear end of my car would have been hopping like a low rider or worse. But anyways, I look around the rear of the car and find that the exhaust pipe appears to be hanging a little low. I have a pic below.




It looks like there were a couple of weld marks like something was there but I don't feel and sharp edges like it broke away, but I see a clean spot on that ledge looking thing where it appeared to have a rubber mount or something. Is this right? Post pics if you have them.


Is just me or what.. I notice that your muffler is in vertical position. I think is should be on horizontal position.


I know there are some mufflers vertically aligned but with this type of car, the muffler should be in horizontal position. Some hangers or donuts might be missing.


Yeah, the muffler should be horizontal. You definitley have some hangers gone or something


you definetally broke that hanger, i have never seen a muff hang like that


I need to do something about that. That hanger is probably like $50 from GM or something. :lol: I'll have to check the dealer for that then. Until then, I'll be broke. I just bought a G-Tech Pro meter. :D Fun stuff! Bought from e-bay, of course, it's not worth the $130 or whatever when you can get it for like $50. If someone can get a pic of that same spot on their car, it would help me out in getting a part real quick.


just get a local muffler shop to weld in a piece of metal for a hanger. Very cheap

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