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For those who have pulled auto trannies and reinstalled.....

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I just got done reinstalling my motor and tranny this weekend in the 92, and it seems that the tranny is stuck in neutral ( i pulled it in neutral) The shift cable is installed and moves the lever on the tranny casing. However, whether its in park drive, etc. I can rotote either driveshaft with little effort and when doing so the opposite driveshaft does not rotate. Anyone have any ideas? The tranny was supposed to be in good operating condition prior to installation and yes, both axles are properly connected. I am thinking that the differential or something somehow is messed, but not sure why.


is the trans harness pluged in? does it have trans fluid? i'm just about positive unless the car is running all u can get is park and neutral. at least thats how it is on my car.


can you put it in park and them not turn?


i am almost certan that the other wheel should turn opp. way

should not turn in park


I havent tried to start the car.....still waiting on some brake parts.....but everything is plugged in. There is not any trans fluid in there at the moment. I just know when I was braking the tires lose on one of the trannies before that the opposite wheel would spin. I guess the only thing I can do is put fluid in it and try running it. I dont understand why fluid would have anything to do with it because it is still a mechanical system, but who knows.


Yeah I can shift into all gears as long as the key is turned.

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