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Synthetic or oil

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I'd suggest using regular oil until the engine is broken in (60k miles or something)


On a new engine the break-in period is around 6K - 9K miles depending on manufacturer.

Use regular convertional oil for those 6K - 9K miles and then switch to synthetic.

We've done that on all our new cars and seen the best results with minimal wear and no leaks.


- Erik


Use it whenever you like. Its no differant than regular oil except that its made in factory and has a more homogenous content of its molecules. Anyone who says that switching to synthetics causes leaks is dead wrong, synthetic oil does not have any adverse affects on gaskets or seals. The only way "new" leaks will appear is if there is a hole already there that's being plugged by debris in the conventional oil. When you first switch to synthetic the first couple oil changes will look horrible, the oil WILL be black as hell in the first couple hundred miles. But don't worry, thats normal, its just the synthetic oil cleaning out the engine and getting rid of the gunk. After the first two changes at the regular 3k you'll be able to go 8-10k miles between changes and the oil should come out looking like its only been in there a couple hundred miles if your engine is working correctly. I usually go about 8k on my changes using Quaker State Full Synthetic and a PureONE oil filter, but 85% of my miles are freeway so as alawys results may vary.


If you want some good info about oil and what to use check out http://www.bobistheoilguy.com they've got a forum with a bunch of great guys who will be more than happy to help. Oh and watch out there's a couple of chemists who like to toss around big words.


For the firt 5 - 10k is is recomended that you use conventional motor oil.

When the break in period is up you can then switch to Synthetic motor oil.

I have been doing alot of reading on this and just last night I saw Classic Car restoration and they suggested the same thing.

Use conventional motor oil for the first 5,000 to 10,000kms.

The conventional motor oil will ensure that all the motor parts are seated properly.


Hope that helps


Just use a 5W30 for your new motor and avoid heavy driving during the break-in period.

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