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serious knock

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well im getting serious knock.


Now that i have the FFP chip i rev it up slowly in park to about 6 and just let the accelerate go and i can hear loud knocking. I heard it could be the timing.


Since i timed the car, the stuttering/vibrations/loud ugly noise has left. The shifting is smooth now and the car runs flawlessly. Then about 4 days ago, it didnt want to start. After about 3 cranks it caught but when accelerating from a stand still it felt slugish and heavy. At high RPMs the engine would knock once the acclerater was depressed.


So im not sure wat it could be...bad cat, bad fuel, bad something....lol


wat do you guys think?


Couldn't the knock be spark knock? If so try changing octane and see if that does anything.


I think since you timed the car before installing the FFP chip, the ECM is detonating too early.

Yes, try a higher octane to see if the ping will go away... if not, you'll need to retard the timing just a tad.


- Erik


heres the funny thing...


when i retimed my car, the rear cams were off TDC mark by like a couple of MM...i was like DAMN IT but decided to see if the car would run. And lo and behold it started right up and right off the bat driving, the car seemed to just leap out like it was accelerated and ready to fire...then before i got the FFP chip the car started knocking and feeling sluggish.


Well, if it did before the chip do you think the timing could've slipped?


It definitely sounds like the belt jumped a notch, since it did it before you put in the chip.

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