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lower ball joint

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got word from my tire place that my passanger side upper ball joint is getting bad...just curious how hard it is to fix and what it would cost for myself or even someone else to do it...from my understanding if i don't get it fixed soon the wheel could fall off...lemme know if i'm wrong though


oops sorry...menat the lower ball joint...i've heard that 3 freakin times today wonder why the hell i said upper


alright thanks...a few other quick questions...can i get an oil pump seal at autozone or do i have to order from gm...um also the same guy said my left rear hub assembly needs replaced...i told that to someone and they said i'll i needed to do was replace the wheel bearings not the whole hub...any more help here?


nevermind i anwsered my own question by talking to someone at autozone...$110 for a hub...i'm a broke college kid here come on...hmm...maybe ebay can help


yeah, a wheel hub and bearing is one unit. And you'd better replace that balljoint. It'll go out when you're going 70, not 25= very bad. It is a biatch to do if you don't have some decent toys to play with, but it should only cost you 20 bucks. And DON'T heat the balljoint. You could seriously die. It'll explode or shoot up through the fender.


Hubs are usually $25 at a junkyard, i drove mine a few hundered miles strait highway, wouldnt recommend it though.



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