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just to brag...i think i fixed it


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lol...i messed around with my dash today and decide to try to fix my instrument cluster...the check gauges light is stuck on...well i got the guide off w-body.com and set out to do it


took me awhile to figure out the dash...felt really stupid afterwards cause it was so easy...trust me it's hard to yank an electrical connector out when it's about 30 degrees...lol


well i took it inside and started soldering away...should've made sure i was a little more awake first...that would have prevented the brown scorch mark on my thumb...weird thing is i was so cold it didn't hurt lol


but yeah i soldered it 3 times only to plug it back in and find the check gauges light still on...it would flicker from time to time but never stay off even before i tried this...well i finally gave up on the third try put the dash back together and decided to go for a spin...and low and behold after driving for about 5 minutes it starts to flicker and as soon as i yelled "stop it" it did...kinda weird but it kicked off and i've drove around for prolly another hour since then and it never returned


lol..all i can do is cross my fingers and hope it stays off...but otherwise YAY! no more stupid bright red light

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lol,,that is like my divers side lock it never lock automatically then my brother hit it and yelled fuck off and it had worked great since.lol I guess W-bodys are scared of being yelled at. :lol:

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well what happened is i didn't redo all the connections...cause someone aparrently broke the tip on my soldering iron...it has a huge groove in it and it only gets hot there making it a pain that's why i didn't do all of them...i'll get another soldering iron and hope for a warmer day and do it again

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