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High Oil Pressure - 91 Grand Prix w/3.1L

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Suddenly found large pool of oil under my 91 Grand Prix SE w/3.1L. Found the oil pressure sender leaking. Replaced sender and notice new oil pressure was only 30 psi. Over next couple days, it read lower and lower. Replaced it with another new sender. Now reading higher oil pressure (+60 psi). Believing it fixed, I drove it normally. Over the next few days, I noticed the pressure again reading lower and lower. So I again replaced the sender and this time, also changed the filter and oil. Now reading +70 psi when cold. Once oil is hot, pressure is still at 70 psi any time RPMs are over idle…at idle, pressure drops to 35 psi (pressure moves with throttle changes when hot).

I suspect the oil pressure relief valve is bad/stuck. I’m trying to confirm where it is on my 3.1L engine. Online research points to various locations like under the oil filter, next to oil filter, or on the oil pump. Since removal of the oil pan is partially blocked, I’m hoping it’s not on the oil pump. And I don’t recall seeing it under the oil filter (but I wasn’t paying attention when I replaced it).

Anyone know definitively where the oil pressure relief valve is on a 3.1L?…or have suggestions to confirm it is a problem valve? I’m gonna hook up a pressure gauge to verify the high pressure. If it is high, I was wondering if applying high air pressure to sender port might free a stuck relief valve.

Edited by Terry K
added throttle movement note
  • Terry K changed the title to High Oil Pressure - 91 Grand Prix w/3.1L

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