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Accuracy of Coolant Gauge on Dash


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Ever since I installed my new motor in my 95 GP I have noticed that the coolant temp reads about 30 degrees higher than it did before the swap. Is it possible that the temp sensor for the gauge which plugs into the rear head reads higher than the old one or would changing that sensor make no difference

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Its possible I suppose. but you may also have an issue, be it a bad thermostat or whatnot. 

It should be noted that the gauge and the computer use different sensors

I assume if you possessed a scantool you would have used that already

Or go buy a cheap IR thermometer and temp it off the radiator hose or someplace.

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I used a IR sensor and found something weird: When scanning the t-stat housing, front head, and water pump, the temps are all in between 180 and 200, but when scanning the rear head (right where the sensor for the gauge is) it registers at 230-240!  The left side of the rear head registers cool just like the rest of the engine, its JUST on the driver side of the rear head where it appears to be overheating.

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I got all the air out with a big no leak funnel, when I open the bleeders straight coolant comes out, no air bubbles. Car runs at 212ish on the highway but once I come to a stop it starts rising to 3/4 on the gauge (whatever that is) I thought it was just the gauge but i hope I dont warp a head with one side running warmer like that

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