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Well I found a ECM at a yard for $35. I think I might as well try this to but do I have to take out the MECAL from mine and put it in that one or will the one in there work? The donor cars I don't know what they are but I typed in all my cars specs and it found 5 different matches so they must be right. But do I need my old MEMCAL or will the one in there work fine? Also how do I check the ECM I have a little multi meter but don't know what to check wtih it. SOrry this such a pain but hopefully it will all be fixed this weekend. 8)

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Well I found a ECM at a yard for $35. I think I might as well try this to but do I have to take out the MECAL from mine and put it in that one or will the one in there work? The donor cars I don't know what they are but I typed in all my cars specs and it found 5 different matches so they must be right. But do I need my old MEMCAL or will the one in there work fine? Also how do I check the ECM I have a little multi meter but don't know what to check wtih it. SOrry this such a pain but hopefully it will all be fixed this weekend. 8)


I would use your MEMCAL, since you dont know what vehicle the new ECM came from. That way, you know you have the right chip.

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Congrats on the quadruple post, Fury.


what are u talking about Scott, u just had a quintuple post in the "whatever" section in ME or 98se......LOLOLOLOL


LoL, yeah, like 10 minutes after I made fun of him, I did a 5-banger, so whatever.

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Well thats what you get FOO :lol: JK. Thanx for the tip, I will keep mine in then. But if it was out of the same car I could use the new one right? Oh yeah I got a coolant temp sensor today and the thing is in three pieces you gotta put it together and spice it in to the factory harness then sotter them and tape it up. Kinda dumb, .

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If you are replacing your ECM with another one, you might want to try venturing inside the old ECM.


Check for loose solder and re-solder them if you find one. If capacitors disentraged/burned, replace the capacitor with the same kind.


If your ECM is similar to this link then that's your guide on opening it.



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Are those pics of a good ECM? Cause if so I could kinda compare the new one from the yard to it and see if any thing looks bad on it right? Thanx for the link. I've been there a few days ago but never inlarged the pics. There is alot of detail in those.

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Well I just spent 60$ on a ECM and a alt. from the local yard and they look pretty beat up but buddy said that they test all the alts and the ECM was from a running car so thats why it was inside not left in the car. And all the parts are out of a 89' gp with the same engine as me. Things are looking good so far but tomorrow well tell for sure. Thanx for all the guys. 8)

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Also do I have to remove the black cover to get the MEMCAL out?


Yes, you'll need to open the ECM to access the Memcal chip.

The chip plugs into the motherboard. MAKE SURE to ground yourself of static electricity before handling.


- Erik

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Thanx REDFOX so it is like a computer ram piece or video card cool. I would have just grabed it out and stuffed the new one in, but I know what your talking about thanx man. 8)

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Well the car runs better with the other MEMCAL I couldn't get my harness off the old ECM so I just swapped the MEMCALS out. Car idles way better now but has no where near the same power it had, and when at a stop when I try to get going it almost dies then picks up and is fine, and sometimes there is a slight stubble at WOT. Could this mean it is the wrong MEMCAL? My old one looked like crap. And the coolant temp sensor got done too but the fan still does not turn on, When I put the new temp sen in it wouldn't thread in all the way like two three threads are left out and feels like it over 100 pounds torque so I didn't push it. Could the stubbleing be a EGR or CAT thing? When I push the diaphram on my EGR the engine stubbles so that is good right? I don't know if the MEMCAL is doing this or what. Thanx for any ideas guys. I didn't move or jolt anything so it is not that. 8)

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She ran great all last night no stalls or hesitation except at a stop when you try to get going but I dont care about that it runs perfect idles perfect the gas is being used proper now , my speedo is correct . The car runs nice and cool . Thanx for the help guys I love my car again. 8)

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